I said it was "ok" and warned him not to do it again.

He replied with a "hmm" but pulled me again for a hug and this time when I tried to break free ,  he did not let me go saying  he was not ready to break it.

Although a little startled by his actions I thought to myself - "its ok its just a hug he would leave me soon."

Unfortunately even after a couple of minutes he did not leave me infact - he had put his face again on my neck and moved my hair to the other side  and had started to kiss me at the exact same spot where he had bit me.

I "shuddered" and disgusted by his actions tried to push him away again, but he was much  stronger he grabbed my uniform skirt clad hips roughly and tried to pull me more closer to him as if there was any space left.

I tried to slap my uncle and pushed him roughly off me with a lot of force.

"What are you doing Uncle?"

Snap out of it and I tried to run upstairs to my room.

But unluckily for me even  before I could climb  two steps,  my uncle grabbed my arm roughly and brought me even more closer to him.

He started putting his hands all over me trying to reach under my top from the backside  and remove my bra straps.

I was thrashing him with my fists and was trying desperately to get out of his hold but what he said next still gave me goosebumps of the worst kind.

He said,  " I know you want me too princess"  so don't you dare fight me because the consequences won't be good and I soo badly want to taste that virgin pussy of yours.

Don't you dare deny it plus your parents are also not at home so its a bonus for me.

Just don't moan too loudly princess and I will do you real quick.

I did not realise when I had started crying and was now thrashing around badly with my arms and legs trying to free myself from his hold saying-

" Don't do this to me please I beg you leave me alone."

"you are supposed to be my uncle"

When I felt his hold to loosen a bit on hearing my words I immediately tried to run upstairs to my room and lock the door.

But my uncle had other plans he reached me faster just as I was about to lock my door , he stopped the door with his hands pushing the door roughly aside causing me to fall on my room's carpet on the floor.

I was cowering away in fear and scooting behind trying to create some  distance between us.

Suddenly, my back hit my bed's lower part meaning I had nowhere else to go.

My uncle on the other hand laughed evilly and with a smirk on his face came near me and put his arms on the bed in such a position that even though my body was on the floor my head was in between his arms and there was no place for me to run.

Then he smirkingly asked me" Now where would you run little one?"

"he said,  don't make this rough for me princess plus you are already legal meaning 18 years of age and practically he could do whatever he wanted with me."

On the second thought he said, even if I  was not legal he would still get to taste me  and either ways he would get to shatter my  family.

I pleaded with my uncle to stop and asked him repeatedly

"why he was doing this? "

What was her fault why was he planning on shattering his own brother's family?

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