Chapter 41: The Iron Legacy

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It took me an hour to help clean up the mess the Sinister Six caused. When I was done I decided to head to the Baxter building, Liz and the others must be worried sick. And I need to explain myself and give Reed a piece of my mind while I'm at it!

"Spider, you're receiving a call from your father, shall I put it through?" Sexy suddenly said.

"Oh...right," I landed on a rooftop and sighed, " put him through," I can already guess what he was going to do.

"Peter?! Oh thanks God! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?!" his voice was panicky as he asked each question one after another.

"I'm fine dad," I sighed, "this isn't my first tussle with those clowns and I doubt it will be last."

"Oh thank God, I was so worried," wait for it, "what were you thinking?! Do you have a death wish?!" There it is.

I sighed, "I had to do something."

"I thought you have given up on this crazy idea of being the Spider?! You finally were getting better Peter?! Why?! Why did you do this?!"

"Because people were getting hurt," I growled out, "you would rather I do nothing?!"

"Yes! At least then I won't have to worry about my son coming home in a body bag!"

"Yeah well then maybe that's the difference you and me! I don't run away from trouble, I run into it. And as long as I can make a difference I will."

"Peter you cannot do this. I will not allow you!"

"You can't do shit to stop me," I growled back, "I am Spider-man, and I swear if you even think of doing something I will never forgive you. I'll talk about this at home Richard," I spat cutting the call.

I sighed, "I fucking hate family drama." I leaned on the roof railing and looked out. The people around me, the world, it felt a little safer now, maybe it was me, maybe, but either way, everything felt better. It's like they all knew as one that I was back.

I continued on my way to the Baxter building, and just then I got another message.


"A message from one Mary Jane Watson sir," my female AI replied, "she says that you owe her 50 bucks."

I chuckled, "tell her to put it on my tab." I swing over to the building quickly and landed on the veranda. I walked in and spotted Liz with Johnny on the couch with Sue on the loveseat and Reed on the couch, all of them staring at the news on TV.

"Peter!" Liz noticed me first as he jumped away from Johnny and ran to me. She had a bright smile on her face as she looked at me, "I knew you couldn't quit!"

I sighed as I took off my mask that turned into it's tab form when on standby, "yeah yeah, I already owe MJ 50 bucks."

"I glad you're alright," she said giving me a light hug before breaking it off, "now, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING TAKING ON SIX OF THEM AT ONCE?!"

"And that's my cue to pull her away," Johnny said as he grabbed Liz by the arm.

"NO! He needs to understand he acted like a fuckign lunatic! He could have called the Avengers! Anyone! But nooo, he had to do this on his freaking own!"

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