Chapter 12: Doom's Rival

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It was New Year's Eve. I should be out with my girlfriend jumping from building to building, seeing New York in a way only we can. I should be introducing her to May and Ben, since we were finally serious I figured it was time. I should then be introduced to Felicia's mom, if she was even at home. I should be doing many different thing right now, but instead I'm here, at work. Fuck the Fantastic Four.

"Just so you know, I hate you all," I grumbled out as we gathered around in Reed's lab.

"Oh come on Pete, would you rather be here or out there in the cold?" Johnny asked with a sly grin.

"I would rather be with my girlfriend enjoying a wonderful night in together," I growled, "not sitting on my ass in Reed's lab!"

"You aren't just sitting on your ass," Reed argued as he looked over several different calculations, "you are waiting for me to show you something super important."

"Right," I grumbled, "forgot. By the way you still didn't tell us what that something is!"

"Patience is a virtue," Reed grinned.

"You try saying that when instead of doing math you could be sticking your tongue down a hot blonde's throat!" I growled.

"Well if that's all you want I'm sue that can be arranged," Johnny threw his arm around me wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "sorry Johnny, but your sister's a bit too old for me-"

"-Hey!" Sue yelled out.

"-But thanks for suggesting it, you're a real friend," I grinned.

"Hey! That's not what I meant!" Johnny growled as flames began to form on his surface, "and don't talk about my sister like that!"

"Oh calm down kid," Ben patted him on the back dousing Johnny's flames, "you shouldn't be dishing it out if you can't take it."

I nodded, "yup! What he said!"

"Grr, fine," Johnny turned away folding his arms in anger.

"Oh Peter, you don't think I'm pretty?" Sue asked innocently batting her eyes.

"I never said that, I just said you were too old for me," I smiled, "I'm fifteen, I won't be legal until another three years Sue."

She chuckled, "but really Peter, when are we going to meet this girl you're always talking about? Felicia was it?" Sue smiled, "you really should bring her over sometime."

I shrugged, "yeah, maybe. I just need to make sure she's used to the whole the superhero thing, she seems okay but I know that deep down she's still a little shaken up."

"Wait, what?! You told her you're Spider-man?!" Johnny yelled out, "dude! What the hell?!"

I shrugged, "what? I like her so I told her. She knows how to keep a secret, plus it will be weird if we continued this relationship with such a huge part of my life being kept away from her."

"That's….very nature of you Peter," Reed admitted from his lab, "very thoughtful."

"Thanks," I smild.

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