Chapter 4: The Spider's Bite

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"Open those fucking crates and unload them! We need these ready by tomorrow!"

I snapped picture after pictures, more than enough to serve as evidence, I hope. I couldn't personally get involved with the Kingpin's business, but if these guys lost their shit because the cops were tipped off about them from an anonymous source. Then that was good enough for me.

I looked down from the rafters safely hidden in the shadows. I took pictures with my camera of the people down there and the crates. It was Sunday night, tomorrow was when the new leader of the GST, Bubbles, was too meet Kingpin's men to deliver the drugs.

I had been following them all week. Finding any all and weakness they had snooping inside that strip club for so long I knew all the songs by heart. And then, I found it. This warehouse.

It was the place where they brought in their drugs and how they transported it into their buildings to then be further cut down and sold on the streets. I have been casing this place for three days, and finally I had them.

I wasn't a glory hog, I worked better in the shadows were people didn't expect me. I wasn't fully prepared to take on the world just yet, I needed time. So until then the only way I'm going to be helping people is by being a spy and a nosey teenager.

It took them an hour before everything was complete. Most of them left after that posting guards outside the building to keep it safe, with the inside practically empty etc one guy with a flashlight. Arrogant sons of bitches.

I crawled along the wall towards the main office that overlooked the entire warehouse. I dropped down before the door and reached into my pant pocket, grabbing the locking picking kit I put together. Yeah, that's right, I know how to pick locks, jealous?

I opened the door easily with a quickly twist and walked into, closing the door behind me and locking it. I looked around the office, it was bare, nothing but files upon files of paper. I looked through the folders, all of them, I was looking for something specific.

Last time I was here I saw Bubbles writing down records of the money GST was making off of Kingpin, meaning the idiot had a paper trail. All I needed to do was find it.

I looked around the place but couldn't find the book...wait, what am I thinking? It's probably hidden somewhere. Alright, if I was a super important book where'd I be?

I looked everywhere, behind paintings, inside locked cabinets and even underneath the table. I was just about to give up when I heard a groan. The floor board felt like it was going to snap under my weight. Bingo.

I pried open the floor board and found a safe underneath. It was a dial knob lock, the kind I had in school. And luckily for me Peter had to find ways to unlock his locker whenever Flash or someone else broke in and changed the combination to make life difficult.

I put my ear on the safe and listened. With gentle prodding I slowly unlocked it piece by piece until;


I grinned, bingo. I opened it and lo and behold there was the book. I checked the safe for booby traps just to be safe and wouldn't you know it there was tripwire attached to it's back. I managed to prod it out without engaging the alrms, locked the safe and put the board back.

I took out the book and looked it over, pages upon pages of information regarding shipments and tracking money payments.

I had them, I had them by the balls. I couldn't take photos of the pages, no, sadly people would notice. I needed to take the book and scram, I had to make my move, now.

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