Chapter 15: Subject - D

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I woke up feeling comfortable. I looked around, I know this place, it was the first room I ever saw in the Baxter building, the med bay. Damn it, I must have gotten knocked out.

I was still wearing my Spiderman costume, my helmet was removed and placed on the side table along with my web gauntlets. I got off the bed and my feet wobbled slightly, they felt heavy, like really heavy.

I put on my gauntlets and helmet and walked out of the room, I needed to find Sue, she would have some idea what was going on.

I walked down the corridor and came upon her lab, I opened the door and stepped in, "Sue, we need to talk."

"Peter?! Oh my God you're awake!" Sue cried out as she ran up to me and hugged me, "we were all so worried! When Fury brought you in we thought you were going to die! Johnny looked like he was going to go super nova! When they told you what you did though-"

"-Sue, breath," I chuckled.

Sue took a deep breath and let it out. She hugged me once again, "I'm glad you're alive."

I hugged her, "so am I Sue."

"And don't you ever do something like that again?!" she yelled out hitting me in the shoulder as hard as she could, "we all thought you were dead! What were you thinking?!"

"Ah, in my defence there was a child's life on the line," I sighed as I removed my helmet showing off my real face.

"And sometimes you forget that you're also a child," Sue shoot back.

I grinned, "that didn't seem to stop you from checking out my ass whenever I'm in costume."

"I-I do not!" she blushed.

"It's fine Sue, I do the same when I see you in costume," I winked.

She sighed rubbing her temples, "you're impossible."

"Indeed," I smiled.

Sue sighed and pointed at a chair, "sit, and take off your costume, I need a blood sample from you and I couldn't figure out how to remove it."

"Johnny didn't tell you?" I asked as I expanded my costume and shimmed out of it sitting on the stool in nothing but my briefs.

"No, Johnny, Reid and Ben all left with Fury," Sue explained with her back towards me, she was preparing a few needles to extract my blood, "Johnny wanted to help get those guys in jail and Ben was willing to lend a hand. Reed is in Finland though, he was called to consult in some kind of secret project last week. I don't know when exactly he'll be back, but-"

She stopped mid sentence as she turned to me. I blinked, "Sue? You okay?"

She looked down at my body, her eyes lingering on my abdomen before slowly going lower. I was about to tease her again when I felt something in the air. I could almost smell it, like a different kind of scent I never smelt before. I smelt it and blinked as I realised it was coming from Sue herself, and it smelt amazing, like warm maple syrup.

"Sue?" I asked again.

She snapped out of her daze, "w-what? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," she blushed and quickly met my eyes, "h-here, shouldn't need too much of your blood," she said as she carefully pressed the needle into my arm practicing a syringe full of my blood.

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