Chapter 20: Avengers (2)

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"Stark we're on your trail heading North East," Nat called out into our radio.

"What did you stop for drive through?!" Tony cried out, "swing up Park I'm going to lay them out for you!"

Nat flew straight into the city buildings towards Stark tower. Just then Tony flew by with several Chitauri chasing him. Nat fired off the machine gun in the jet, pinning the aliens down allowing Stark to get free.

We slowly ascended the Stark tower, going upwards. We found Loki on the penthouse floor with Thor, fighting one on one.

"Nat!" Clint pointed down.

"I see him," Nat replied moving the jet towards Loki and firing at him.

The god of mischief leveled his staff at us and fired. "Hold on!" I cried out as the jet got hit with a plasma bolt and began to come crashing down.

We came down quickly, Cap was holding on to the side, but kept getting battered away, I grabbed him and stuck myself to the wall as we slowly came crashing down.

We crashing into an empty concrete plain. The landing was rough, but luckily we didn't die. We all quickly got out and looked up at the sky. More and more of the Chitauri came flying out.

"We got to get back up there!" Cap called out.

"I can swing us up, I think," I called out as we ran onto the highway just below Stark tower. But before Cap and the others could respond a roar came crying out of the giant blue portal.

Slowly a massive figure came out of the darkness on the other side, a giant flying snake monster covered with metal plates and Chitauri soldiers.

"Oh fuck me," I gasped looking at the thing. I never realised how big that thing was, I remember seeing it in the movies but this...this was impossible!

The creature flew over us, the monster deposited on it's sides launched out and landed on building walls. The thing was a tank and a transport vehicle all in one. The Chitauri soldiers landed inside office buildings, I saw flashes of blue energy and people crying out.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Cap asked.

"Seeing, still working on the believing," Tony replied, "where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

"Banner?" Cap replied.

"Just keep me posted," was Tony's short reply.

"They're being slaughtered!" I cried out, pointing at the buildings.

"Go! Help them!" Cap cried out, "we'll keep them down here!"

I nodded and jumped to the nearest building. I climbed to the floor with the most people crying out and jumped in through a broken window.

I saw so many people's bodies, burning holes going through them. I felt anger pulsed through me. I was angry, so angry.


Four large spider arms popped out of my back, their bladed edges shimmering in the light. It was time I stopped holding back.

"ARGH!" I yelled charging into the building. I ran down a corridor and saw several Chitauri pinning down people. They turned around to see me, but it was too late.

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