Chapter 33: Earth-982

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I left the X-men feeling better than I did entering. Jean and I spent some more time together, catching up, having fun. In the end, I left with a lighter heart, more accepting of what my situation was.

When I returned Ben and May could tell I was feeling better. They smiled at me and I just smiled back. My dad didn't spend much time at home these days, he was far too busy helping SHIELD with tracking and locating HYDRA bases.

School had let out for Christmas vacation, and I spent all my time at the Baxter building working in my lab. I decided that Xavier was right, I didn't have to be Spider-man, but...I could still be useful, right?

The week went by quickly, I spent most of it working on a special project in my half destroyed lab. I thought over what Xavier suggested, superhero training camp, it honestly sounded like a good idea.

If this universe was anything like the 616 marvel world then it's going to be filled with people with abilities and almost all of them will need some way to hide their identities. So I decided to make something to help with just that.

It was called the NEXUS helmet. I designed it with some pointers from Tony himself. I emailed him a few times and he gave me a few brilliant pointers.

I designed the helmet in such a way that it could collapse into a tablet, something that was reasonable for anyone to be carrying around on their person.

The helmet was shaped like the one I used to have from my Spiderman costume, sleek and well ventilated. It's internal systems were state of the art and had everything from a HUD to a phone like interface.

It wasn't as expensive as Tony's helmets with their fancy display tech, but it still wasn't cheap. It costed nearly fifty thousand, not including labour charges. So so far I only had this one model ready, I was going to have to make some capital before I can make this into a business that just gives out tech like this for free.

But Tony did have one tiny little suggestion, just a tiny adjustment. He insisted on an AI system being present inside the helmet to assist the wearer. I outright refused, but he went behind my back and hacked into the helmet, downloading and installing an AI in it anyway.

Needless to say, I was pissed.

Now I found myself in my lab, alone, testing the helmet I created and the AI Tony forcibly installed inside.

"Testing AI capabilities, experiment number five," I spoke into a recorder before putting it down and tapping the helmet, "hey, can you hear me in there?"

"Yes sir, how may I be of service?" she asked in a polite manner. That's right, she, Tony gave me a female AI. Wonderful.

"Can you search the web for any sighting of illegal activity?" I asked.

"Certainly Mr. Parker," she replied, "there is currently three crimes reported, one robbery, a car jacking off fifth and a man ready to jump off a roof a few blocks away. Do you wish me to plot a course?"

I paused, the words jump off a roof stuck with me. I sighed, ", not yet. Access my phone's contacts and send the address to Johnny Storm's number."

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't find anyone listed under that name."

I groaned, "oh, right. Ah, send it too 'Flaming Poo', work, not personal."

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