Chapter 36: Unlimited Power for Twenty Seconds

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"So...can I join?" Felicity asked pouting at me and May.

May sighed, "for the last time Felicity, no. You don't have any powers, it would be dangerous."

"That's what you said last time!" Felicity growled, "that's why I went off on my own! But I showed you how strong I am! So why can't join?!"

"Because! You can't protect yourself!" May cried out.

"Girls!" I cried out, "enough! Focus on the problem on hand! We can talk about teaming up, after we finish this damn homework!"

The two of them grumbled, glaring at each other before returning to their notes. I sighed, sipping my coffee, I looked around, everyone was staring, I sent an apologetic smile to them all, a coffee shop really wasn't the best place they could have done this.

"If it's any consolation though," I spoke up gaining their attention, "I think it would be a good idea to have back up."

"What?!" May gawked.

"Yes!" Felicity fist pumped.

"Why?!" May asked.

"Because with or without powers Felicia was a very powerful ally to your dad," I sipped my drink, "you could use someone like that one your side."

"Yeah! What he said!" Felicity nodded.

I raised an eyebrow, "that being said, Felicity isn't ready just yet for the job of being a superhero. She still needs to be properly trained to fight metahumans like us. So...maybe a trial period is in order?"

May grumbled, "fine, whatever….it's just...argh! This is so stupid!"

"Face it May! We're partners!" Felicity cheered throwing an rm around May making the girl groan even louder. Felicity chuckled, "hey, relax, between the three of us, the bad guys don't stand a chance!"

I smiled, "that's nice Felicity, but I'm not exactly going to be sticking around for long."

"What? Why not? Where are you going?" she asked.

I smiled, "home, maybe….look, don't worry about that, worry about how to become a better team," I narrowed my eyes at May, "you don't' have to do this alone May, believe me, that's worth something."

May sighed, "yeah...I guess."

"I nodded, "good, you understand what we're trying to learn?"


I chuckled, guess she got her mother's brains, "alright, it's like this..."

A few hours later:

I sat on the roof of the Empire state building, leaning against a gargoyle as I looked down at the buzzing city below me. The people were going about their day, they didn't bother to look up, most never do.

May had gone her own way for patrolling, Spider-girl was still a solo act and Felicity still had to take care of her mother, and that was may more important that beating up thugs.

I stood in Peter's costume, spandex and all, with my metallic helmet placed over my head instead of a cloth mask. I checked the web shooters and strapped on my backpack.

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