Chapter 8: Making it to the Big Time

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Monaco happened on Sunday. I saw Whiplash take on Tony and get knocked out. And I heard about the killer birthday party he threw for himself, even though it wasn't actually his birthday. He acted like a man who had a few days to live, since he didn't know otherwise.

On Monday my homeroom told us the entire class would be going to the Stark expo on Friday for a field trip. Everyone was happy, me? I knew I was fucked.

That entire school week I was a wreck. I spent most of my time in the Baxter building creating weapons I could use to subdue the drone army that I knew was going to be unleashed upon the people.

I created a EMP gun so powerful it could fire their systems, a new batch of concrete webbing twice as strong as my last batch and just in case I also had Johnny on Speed dial. He didn't know why, but promised to come if I really needed him.

On Friday I came to school wearing my black muscle shirt and tights under my normal high school attire. I had my Spider-man jacket and web shooters inside a hidden compartment in my bag, just in case.

Class went by as usual, and after school ended we all gathered into a school bus with Mr. Dunkan, our English teacher, to set off for the expo.

I sat next to Felicia, she looked at me and huffed, "nervous?"

"Yes," I didn't bother denying it, she was much to observant for that.


"Because It's a Stark expo. Have you seen what's happened to him lately? The guys out of hand. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the day the suits of armour became sentient and started attacking everyone."

"Damn Parker that's dark," Flash laughed, "and you said you weren't funny. There's no way that can happen!"

I rolled my eyes, "better safe than sorry Flash." I felt my back pack, the weapons I made were there. Sue was really concerned I was using Baxter time to make weapons, but after explained to her what I was afraid off she was more understanding, though a little concerned about my paranoia.

We reached the expo and got off. We got a guide to take up through the expo, each room at a time. And then we got to the main attraction. An exclusive press release by Hammer Tech in the Stark Expo main auditorium.

We were seated near the back with the VIP's taking up the front few rows. I could almost feel the trap being laid out. I can imagine the drones coming out of the stage and killing so many people. I needed to do something.

I got up from my seat and tried to sneak away.

"Yo Parker! Where do you think you're going?" Flash asked drawing everyone's attention to me.

"Bathroom," I replied.

"What? Hell no man, sit down!"

"Do you want me to pee myself Flash?" I asked not bothering about the embarrassing notions the line carried.

"I-ah," Flash stammeered.

"Peter I really must insist you sit down, this is a very exclusive event I don't think they'll even allow you to leave," the teacher told me as slowly I was forced to sit down.

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