Chapter 27: Metal Fang Soild

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I swear if I ever see another madman who can hope dimentions I'm capturing him, tying him up to a chair and then having Jean mind rape his knowledge out of his fucking head!

I looked at the schematics I ripped from Spyral's belt for what felt like the hundredth time and I'm no closer to figuring out how it even worked! It's like this thing hate logic! I hate dimension travel!

I managed to get only the machinery's operations out of the belt and nothing more, but that should have been enough for me to figure out how it ticked and reverse engineer it. But no, it had to become difficult and make no fucking sense.

Eventually I gave up trying to solve it by myself and gave it to Reed to figure out. When that guy saw the data I had he ended up locking himself in his lab. It's been a week, he hasn't come out yet.

Ben grew worried and so did Sue, but Johnny and I figured Reed would be ready when he was ready.

Honestly things have become quite in the city these days, at least on the surface. I could feel something change, it's like the people who went out in the night upped their game. I still encountered a random mugging now and then but...they're quite….too quite.

I did spend a lot of time working in the Baxter building, creating new tech for Sue and Reed. But strangely enough I also got a request from Charles Xavier, the man wanted a watch that could project a holographic image of a teenage boy. I honestly grew a little worried at that, but hey, I owed him one.

But I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so it's time for me to upgrade myself. My costume was good for now, nothing too major to change, at least nothing I desperately wanted. But my powers...well that was another matter altogether.

Project Mutant Spider, an idea I had been toying with for some time now. It's been something I played with ever since I obtained Drew's powers.

The concept was simple, based on how I obtained her powers in the first place. Her blood was mixed with a radiated formula of chemicals and then inhaled by me. My blood, which is genetically altered to absorb useful genes and throw out the rest, used the radiation to absorb her powers into my own.

This meant one thing, theoretically, I could absorb anyone's powers into my body, provided it's delivered the same way as Drew's was.

It was a great risk, but with equally great rewards. So I began experimenting with the only super human blood I had on hand, Magneto's. It was from the time I beat him into a bloody pulp for even thinking of killing Jean, I scrapped his blood from my uniform and weapons collecting a nice large sample.

So now I found myself in my lab at the Baxter building with the door closed and bolted shut, covered with my strongest webbing and all security systems disabled, no way I'm ever letting anyone on the outside figure out what I'm doing.

I took out a drop of my blood and Magneto's. I used the radiation formula from the Hill incident and merged it with Magneto's, forming a gas like substance.

I then took my blood sample in an air sealed glass box and infused it with the irradiated gas. I waited for a moment before emptying the air in the box and removing my blood.

I put the newly changed sample under a microscope and observed it. I put the blood work up on the screen and narrowed my eyes, the result was...confusing.

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