"Hey! Where is he!?" Nat yells running down the hall with the rest of the avengers

"Jeez they all came to see him" Harley shakes his head not believing it

Nat Thor Clint Bruce carol the guardians.

They bust in the door before I can tell them that Stephen is talking to him.

Everyone rushes back in again but I stay in the hall.

"Hey kid" Stephen sits next to me in the hall while everyone crowds around dad in the room

"Wasn't so bad right?" I smile and he chuckles

"Thankfully Tony was very happy to see me" Stephen nods

"So no worry" I say

"No worry" he nods confidently

"You and him just seem so alike to me" I laugh a little

"Oh please, don't tell me my ego is that big?" Stephen makes a disgruntled face which makes me laugh

"Oh be nice" I laugh more at his joke

"I'm going to go check on the sanctum. And Wong. I'll be back to visit soon" Strange stands up

"Oh okay. Yeah stop by whenever you want. And thank you again" I smile

"Of course. See you soon y/n" Strange nods and turns to walk away

"Wait! You forgot something!" I smile as he turns back

I give him a hug and this one he hugs back a little quicker.

After he leaves I sit alone for a moment

Then I get a text message

Pietro: hey are you at the hospital?

Y/n: yeah why?

I text him back and wait for a reply.
Then suddenly a flash of blue flies by and Pietro is sitting next to me

"Pietro!" I smile

"Hey how's everything been?" He asks as I hug him

"Good. He's doing well, everyone is in there right now" I nod

"And how are you doing?" He asks about me

"I'm good. Happy everything is okay" I smile contently

"I'm glad" he sighs

"So.. will you be sticking around?" I ask kind of hoping he is

"Yes I believe so. I have good reason to, Wanda needs me since vision is gone.. and I have some unfinished things." He says looking at my hand

"That's great to hear" I smile grabbing his hand into my own.
I want to ask him about how he kissed me on the battlefield but maybe it was just an in the moment thing.

"Hey y/n the doctor says we can bring dad home tonight!" Peter rushes out into the hallway

"Really!?" Pietro and I stand up still holding hands

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