"Not possible. Well... could be, but he should be human correct? Right?" She tries to reassure herself more than anything.

Yaz shrugs at her, " I don't know, but the biggest question is what is the other 7%?" She turns to Ryan now "who is this guy?"

He just looks at her mouth open. "Well he is Barton correct? Only 7% Of him is not human, so what if whatever ripped the DNA from that woman you were on about did something to him? Or something?" J looks as she tries to think.

"Okay, okay, Think like Father" she tells herself. She spins on her spot. Then spins again. Pointing her finger in the air her eyebrows raised, she goes to speak mouth open mid motion.

"Nah, I've nothing we gotta try to find more out here." She says putting her hand down. She looks around the room again feeling very sickish "Do you guys feel like you're being watched?" She asks them.

"Nah" Ryan says "how do you?"

"Clearly why I'm asking" she rolls her eyes at Ryan "Yaz?" She looks at her.

Yaz shakes her head no.

"Right then just a bad gut feeling then" she laughs at herself knowing something is not right here.

"What are we going to do about Barton?" Ryan asks.

"Urg well..." J shoves her hands in the air and smirks "We are in his office after all, alone. Well... alone that is a question we need to ask ourselves." She laughs nervously looking around the room once more.

"Okay we should hide first incase he or his security comes back." J says realising staying here could cause more problems and she likes Ryan's plan come back later.

A few couple hours went past, well, it felt like hours more like an hour or two.

"Data from Barron's pass says he left the building hours ago." Ryan says.

"Yeah well, he said he had to go and we have been sitting here for how long exactly?" J says annoyed.

The pair ignore her, "Everyone must have gone by now. Let's have a look" Ryan says.

Yaz leaves the room first, followed by Ryan and J.

"Rude" J mutters under her breath at them ignoring her.

They head back into his office, they start downloading everything on his computer.

J nods at Ryan when he mentions the case, Ryan and Yaz have a conversation while J tries to study the wee thing in the wee case.

Suddenly Ryan mentions Barton is on his way back into his office, Ryan and J hide behind the couch then Yaz follows. They can hear his footsteps he stops.

"I know you're here, show yourselves" Barton says to an 'Empty room'.

Suddenly lights flicker and a Fizzing sound can be heard and some cracking sounds.

"There have been opuscules" says some creatures.

It continues to talk to Barton when it leaves he grabs his bag and goes.

"So have they been there the whole time?" J wonders.

Yaz looks at her "He knows what they are." she says turning back getting up.

"Come on, out!" Ryan looks at J then Yaz's.

"No. Let's see what else is here." Yaz turns back to the direction Barton's desk is in.

"No. No." Ryan says.

"Yaz, Don't be bloody stupid right now come on. Those things could still be here for all we ken." J says feeling very unsure of her surroundings right now. She feels they are still lurking around them.

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