
Comenzar desde el principio

As we entered into the plane, Troy left me. I saw Damon was sitting on couch. I never saw this type of plane in my life.

I also sat down on an another couch away from him. I didn't want to be near him. An air hostess entered and asked,"Mr. Damon, do you want anything?". Damon replied not lifted his eyes,"Just Black Coffee". She nodded her head and she turned to me,"Hello Miss. I'm Eveline. Do you want anything to have?". I smiled and said,"What do you have here?". She said, "Everything. Just ask". I replied," Then chocolate Ice-cream please". She shocked to hear my request.

After having my Ice-cream, I opened my laptop. My laptop had many games. I started to play them.


Damon's Pov.

'I didn't want leave today. I want to stay with my Amelia'

I got a text from Amelia.

(Amelia-[Fake One] 🔁 Damon)

Hi Damon! What are
you doing?

In plane. I have to visit
Japan for business.

I want to go with you.
You should ask me.

I'm sorry baby. We had
leave in hurry.

We? Who are with you?

Your cousin Emilia. She
is my secretary.

You should take me with
you. I don't like her. She
will try to snatch you
from me.

I'm yours. She will be
not succeeded.

Ok bye.

Bye my love.


I put my mobile down on the table. I turned to see Emilia. I found her sleeping on her couch. Her smiling posture was really bad. After waking up, she would sure get pain around her body. But I shouldn't leave her like this. I scooped her and took her to the bed room. In my plane, I had two bedroom. 

I laid her down on the bed. She actually looked innocent. I removed her hair on her forehead. She looked so beautiful, even more than my Amelia.

I left the bedroom, feeling hatred for myself.

'I love Amelia. How can I think about her like this? I shouldn't do this'

I took off my coat and laid down on the bed of another room.

Ringgg... Ringgg...

I took out my Mobile and saw the call I'd.


Me: Good afternoon Love.

Amelia: Good afternoon. You shouldn't take her with you. I don't like her. She is evil.

Me: Calm down Amelia. I only love you. She can't do anything.

Amelia: Please don't leave me. I love you. I can't live without you.

Me: I know and I love you too. Sorry, if I hurt you. But I need her in this project.

Amelia: Ok. I shouldn't call you. You're busy man.

Me: Amelia you're overreaction-

She hung up the call before I completed my words. I threw my Mobile in angry. Angry on myself, on the project, on Emilia.

I came out from the room and found Emilia talking with Eveline, airhostess of my jet. They were smiling.

Then I saw them went to the kitchen. I sat on the couch again.

I opened my laptop again and started my work.

Soon Eveline came back with plates full of delicious food. I put a spoon into my mouth and lost my words.

'But wait a minute. I have had her food but those are not that delicious'

"Do you take lesson of making delicious food? Its really delicious and it can defeat my mom", I asked her. She laughed and replied,"I haven't make this. Lia cooked. She is really talented".

'I hate her but I can't refuse this dishes. Call me greedy but I can't. This is delicious'

Eveline left. After finishing the lunch, I went to kitchen with my dishes. Entering into the kitchen, I found Emilia and Eveline having their lunch. They didn't saw me. I put the plates in the sink without making any noise.

" So you like painting. I don't know anything about painting. If you saw my painting, then you will sure compare with 3 year old", Eveline said laughing. Emilia laughed and said, "Imperfection is also a definition of Perfection".

'Yeah. Imperfection is also a definition of Perfection'

" Thank you for supporting me. But leave it. By the way, you're really talented cause you're beautiful, Artist, can cook and more important can work with Mr. Damon", Eveline complimented on her. Emilia laughed and thanked her.

I left the kitchen without making any noise.

'Emilia Collins, you're really an interesting. I love to know more about you'

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