Sweet Silence 2

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Hosuh blinked rapidly, wiping his eye as he watched the woman close to Stephen speak, her identification tag jolting with her movements. He watched as Stephen's face fell like the strings had been cut from his muscles. He watched as tears shined in his friend's eyes as the doctor talked, her arms no longer moving. He watched as Stephen hung his head in defeat, asking something that Hosuh couldn't understand.

Something dropped in his stomach, and his hands moved over to his ears, brushing them with his finger tips. He clapped his hands again, harder, straining to catch any kind of noise.

There was nothing, of course.

Hosuh let his hands drop to his sides and sat up. He traced the cheap pattern on the bedsheets, feeling the bumps as his finger ran over each stitch.

He briefly looked up to the window again, and saw a glimpse of the doctor giving Stephen some sheets of paper before casting his eyes back down. His hands wrapped around his torso, squeezing his arms tightly.

A finger suddenly came into his vision, and Hosuh's eyes followed as it moved to the right; he found himself staring at the doctor, who still had her finger in the air. Stephen was nowhere to be seen.

The doctor gave a small wave, seemingly hoping that he would return it. Instead Hosuh stared at her, waiting for the news he knew would come.

The doctor didn't seem surprised at his lack of emotion. She grabbed a book and paper, writing something carefully on the pages. Hosuh felt his eyes prick at the sight of the new communication, looking away hastily.

The book was gently placed on his lap and Hosuh read the words, digging his nails into his arms.

Hosuh, I'm Doctor Vansualgen. You are in the hospital – though I think you are aware of this now, right? You were brought here by your friend, and you have been here for five hours.

Hosuh recoiled slightly at the time before reading on.

You were suffering from major concussion, but we have stitched your head up, as you have probably noticed.

You may be aware that you cannot hear right now, and couldn't after you hit you head. This is sometimes an effect of a major concussion such as yours.

Hosuh felt his chest tighten, his throat catching his breath at the next line.

I'm afraid that I could not fix this deafness Hosuh. I'm sorry.

Hosuh pushed the book off his lap, not reading the rest of what the doctor had to say. He shook his head mutely. His mouth tried to express the questions.

"Will I get to hear again?" He tried to ask. He looked at the doctor, and could tell that she couldn't understand him, her eyes flashing with pity for a quick moment before she composed herself, making her face stoic. She pushed the paper and pen in his hands.

Will I get to hear again? Hosuh shakily wrote, his handwriting almost unreadable. The doctor sighed, her shoulders sinking, and he knew what she was going to write.

I'm afraid not. I'm sorry.

Hosuh let himself cry at that moment, lying back down in the hospital bed. He turned away from the doctor, away from the world, and closed his eyes.

He couldn't hear the beeps of the machines surrounding him, or the creaking sounds as the doctor got up from the old plastic chair.

It was silent.

And Hosuh, for the first time in his life, began to hate something.

It was drowning him, making him vulnerable, cutting him off from everyone.

He hated silence.

Hosuh shuddered as someone touched his hand. He recognised the long fingers that wrapped around his, but didn't move as Stephen inched onto the bed, his weight making the mattress sink further.

The weight was gone, and Hosuh was shortly met with Stephen's face next to his own, tired and concerned. The purple-haired had the book in his hands, with some new writing hastily scrawled across it.

Hosuh. Please. I'm here for you. Everyone is.

Hosuh felt some anger stir in his gut, unfamiliar with the pity that was reflected in Stephen's eyes. It was like his friend was being careful, tiptoeing around him – Hosuh wanted Stephen to make a bad joke, or smile at him, but he was doing neither. Hosuh wanted Stephen to act normal.

Hosuh shook his head, feeling tears burn in his eyes. Stephen's eyes stared back at him, giving some small comfort.

"I'm scared." Hosuh tried to say. Stephen furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding. Hosuh felt himself tremble, but grit his teeth, spacing out the words the best that he could.

"I'm scared."

Stephen understood.

He took his hand, using the other to write a sentence. Hosuh looked at it as he wrote.

I know. It's okay to be.

Stephen paused.

The world has really gone and fucked you over.

Hosuh nodded, giving a small smile despite his inner dread. Stephen smiled at Hosuh's reaction, laughing silently.

What now?

Hosuh took the pen from Stephen, hands trembling.

I just want to go home. He wrote in return. Stephen squeezed his hand, scrawling something on the paper.

That can be arranged.

By The Way, Danplan OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt