Chapter Eight

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Opening his eyes, George panicked when he found himself in the same, dark room he was in the night before. Thankfully he was able to move this time, but he was still on edge, worried that someone might pop up to give him the fright of his life. "Hopefully there's something else around here, something that would help me get out.."

The more he wandered, the more it seemed like he wasn't getting anywhere. "There's gotta be something.. Wait, if this is like my dream, that must mean I must be in my mind. There's nothing here because I'm not thinking of anything to be here.. Let's see now, what would happen if I think of WereBlubber?"

Focusing all his might on his lycanthropic form, George smiled as he saw results. He now had a view of what was going on in the physical world. "Geez.. This guy is causing some major damage.. And I thought I was a messy eater."

He then had a thought, what if he tried to focus on being in control of his own body? "It must be worth a shot, I was completely blanked out the last two times this happened, but maybe now that I'm awake I can try taking back a little control."

He then set his mind on a way to regain himself, so far there was nothing. "Damn.. Guess I'm limited to what my subconscious can do.. Subconscious, that must mean I'm somewhere in my brain. There has to be some kind of control center in here I can go to."

Smiling, George envisioned a gateway to his conscience could be. "Hopefully nothing too bad is going on out there.."

Back in the outside world, WereBlubber tore up the town once more for his nightly meal. Thankfully it seemed everyone evacuated overnight in case of another attack from the obese demon. This left him free to eat any scraps left behind without having to hide away from anyone armed to try and hurt him. What he didn't expect to see however was an even bigger monster in his presence.

"So, what do you think? A real beauty isn't he? Eating everything in sight, and would still be hungry in the morning after. So, how about it?"

"So this is George? He's rather slim for a big eater, even at this extra girth." A different voice purred, this one sounding deep and demonic.

This made WereBlubber shoot up in curiousity, they were the first beings to call him by his real name. Even his belly mouth stopped chewing to pay attention to this mysterious newcomer.

"I see he's intrigued about me, and look at all the destruction he's caused here. Was this all by you?"

Not knowing what else to do, he simply nodded. "And all to satiate your hunger? I think he's the perfect one for me. Finally I'll be able to walk this earth at daylight without being depowered. Of course, it will take a while to become accustomed to a human body, but better this then that hippo the last summoner offered me."

WereBlubber may not have had his mind on much other than food, but he knew that the newcomer meant trouble. "Hold it right there mister!" A familiar voice called.


"Wha- the guys?. And Pattie too?! Did they follow me all this time?!. I didn't want them to see this, I wanted to go alone so they wouldn't wind up in this mess. And that voice.. That must be Gluttony.. I gotta get out of here!" George thought, panicking as he watched what happened in the outside world.

Focusing as hard as he could, he made himself a gateway to his moral conscience and raced inside. "I just hope I'm not too late.."

The room was a dark purple and fitted with a control center, unfortunately as George tried to work them, his hands were stuck to some sort of tar coating. "GRRR, WereBlubber!! If you can hear me right now, you need to run! Get out of there as fast as you can!!" He screamed, hoping it would have some effect.


"Run." That word raced through WereBlubber's mind, in an instant he got on all fours and dashed out of sight.

"After him! We must catch up before sunrise!" Gluttony ordered, her and the cloaked man rushing after him.

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