Chapter Seven

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When George awoke, he found that everyone else had fallen asleep while researching his condition and for possible remedies. "Good, now I won't need to make up excuses for where I'm going. Now, let's see what my nightmare visitor wants with me.." He thought. "Time to see why this is going on."

Sneaking out, George took his car out of the city to search for any bog in sight. "Hmm, that murky looking dump seems like a good place to start.. Hope this isn't just some wild goose chase, or else Paul would chew me out for getting mud all over my clothes." He thought. Parking his car far from any dirty ground, he got out and stumbled through the swamplands.

"Gross.. I'm starting to regret everything.." He grumbled, the mud went up to his knees, but he was so determined to get to the bottom of this. "Finally.. Dry land, that old house must be what that weird stalker was talking about.. Either that or the fans are getting really desperate to get an autograph from us."

He was surprised to find the door unlocked, at first anyways. "No sane person would wander through such a deep swamp, let alone find a place to live here." He grumbled, trying to kick some mud off his shoes. "These were brand new, the smell will never get out of these.."

"Ah, so you came after all. You're more desperate than I thought." A familiar voice chuckled. "But do you really wish to know why you're acting this way?"

"I wouldn't have came all this way if I didn't. I still have no clue what you'd have to gain from all this, and why me of all people? I'm a famous celebrity with fans who'd do anything for us, possibly including beating up anyone who would dare to hurt us." George joked, getting inside before he could get any more dirt on himself.

"Why should I tell you? I think it's more fun if you try figuring things out for yourself." The voice came from that same cloaked figure from two days ago. "It's not like the police would believe you anyways if you told them, that is if they listen to you after finding out you're the one terrorizing everyone with your gluttony."

"If they believed in WereBlubber then I'm sure they'd have no problem believing in some crazy cult being behind all this. If you're not going to tell me why you did this to me then I'll make you talk!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Mr. Harrison. You're yelling at someone who knows many curses, and now that you're not in your subconscious, you'll be in big trouble."

"How big?"

Grinning, the figure pushed him down as he chanted something George didn't catch, but whatever it was made his belly swell some more. "Ah! Stop that! It's bad enough I have to keep some weight after I change back to normal." He squeaked.

Smirking, his unknown perpetrator did stop his inflation, but didn't deflate the extra chub. "If you really want to know how exactly we can do all this, I have a simple answer. You will find it hard to believe, but it's true. Do-"

"Of course I still want to hear it! I don't care how weird it is as long as I find out what it is and finally have at least a little solace in knowing."

"I may have said before that you were cursed, but to me I found it a blessing. Have you ever heard of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"Hmm, sounds like a cool name for a song, but that I have. What are you part of some cult that worships Gluttony or something?"

"Cult you say? We're just mere summoners, well I am anyways. I have made a deal with her-"

"Her?! Isn't Lust usually the female sin?"

"That's what I thought too, but we're getting off track. The point is, she was summoned and wanted a host to go around earth. I spent days on end looking for someone good enough to sustain her voracious appetite. I must say, I have never seen anyone as hungry as you in my whole life."

"So you just want me as some kind of puppet for a demon? But then how come you make me transform every night?"

"Just think of it as a warm up for things to come, you'll be bulging so much more when she comes around. She's attracted to those who do nothing but eat night and day. So I combined a lycanthropic curse with one of my weight changing spells to create WereBlubber. When she sees what I've done, you'll make the perfect vessel."

"Well I'll just have to keep myself from going on another rampage then. Even if it means tying myself to a chair to do so."

"You think it's that easy to postpone the evitable? Don't make me laugh, you can't stop me. Even if there was a cure for lycanthropy, Gluttony's influence will get to you sooner or later. Maybe sooner than you know it. Oh! I must be off now, I have other things to tend to."


Before George could ask how he just plans to do all this to him, the figure disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Ugh.. At least I got some answers, I better make it home before dark." Looking out the window, he saw it was only minutes away until nightfall.

Being the third time he went through with this, it didn't hurt nearly as much as before. But what happens to George's subconscious when WereBlubber emerges you ask? Well just wait and see.

WereBlubber: The RemakeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα