empath- steve rogers

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"Ooh, sounds fun." You got up and went to grab the plate of cookies, coming back and placing them down on the coffee table.

Turning the TV onto Netflix, you settled into your spot on the sofa next to him and clicked the '100' title.

You subconsciously laid your head on his broad shoulder as you began, and he started to gently run his fingers through your hair which you had to admit, was rather calming, even making you slightly drowsy. Meanwhile his free arm was wrapped around your waist in a protective manner, holding you close to his chest.

"You're not falling asleep, are you," he hummed, smoothing your hair back and tucking stray hairs behind your ears.

"Too late," you mumbled tiredly, letting your eyes flutter shut and peacefully drifting off in his arms.

Good thing you'd already fallen asleep before you heard his heartbeat rapidly pick up speed and felt him press a soft kiss to the top of your head.


"Ah, so the princess has finally awakened from her beauty sleep."

You groaned and rubbed your eyes. "Let me go back to sleep, Cap. Please."

"The Guardians are at the door already. Come on, you've been asleep for an hour"-

"An hour?" you spluttered, quickly running a hand through your hair to tame it. "You should've woken me up beforehand, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you wait for me to wake up-"

"It's fine," he reassured you, standing up with you and going to the front to let the Guardians in, who were waiting outside and having just disembarked the Milano. "You knocked out pretty fast, and you seemed tired so I paused the show to let you sleep."

"Oh god, I love you, you are my savior," you sighed in relief, letting out a small yawn. "I really needed that power nap."

"No problem," he laughed, smiling down at you.

Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at you, creating a heart sign with his hands and you shot him a death glare that mentally communicated I'll kill you if you try to expose me in response.


"Heya there, Parker," the two Peters did their secret handshake which had now become their typical greeting, "what's up?"

"Decent. By the way, I created a new playlist on Spotify composed of all our favorite hits, so if you wanna go check that out then you know the drill."

"Aw, cool! Thanks, man," Quill grinned.

Dinner was relatively chatty as always. The two Peters, mini Peter and big Peter, as they liked to refer to themselves as, were deep in conversation about song recommendations and making new playlists for one another. Drax, Vision, Thor, and Rocket were talking about something along the lines of outer space. Mantis and Wanda were intently discussing mind control and how each others' powers worked.

Bucky tried to act all macho and tough, but everyone could clearly see he had a soft spot for the baby Groot. He couldn't help but smile when the little tree started dancing after eating his food.

After everyone was finished eating, you all gathered around in the lounge, spreading out on the floor, beanbag chairs, and on the sofas. After a few minutes of convincing, everyone agreed to let Mantis analyze their feelings as she was an empath.

"And you...are feeling an intense desire to devour your fifth box of Pop-Tarts! You dream about them almost every night," she pointed at the Norse god.

"Aw, come on, Thor," Bucky groaned, tilting his head back. "I was just about to get to the last one and you had to eat them all in one sitting."

"I cannot help myself. Those delicacies are quite delicious," the Asgardian admitted as he held up a now empty box of Pop-Tarts.

"Ooh, try me," Tony volunteered, rubbing his hands together. "This is gonna be interesting."

"Sleep," the empath spoke calmly as she touched her palm to the billionaire's forehead, and he instantly fell back against the sofa and started snoring softly, earning amused looks from the rest of the team.

"The insomniac has finally been put to rest," Vision beamed. "And we all believed that Tony would never be capable of getting a decent night's sleep."

"Captain Rogers, would you like to go next?" Mantis offered.

"Uh, sure, I guess."

"You feel...love!" she exclaimed as she placed a hand on Steve's broad shoulder, her face instantly lighting up.

Quill smirked over at the super-soldier. "Ha ha. I was victim to that once."

"I love everyone on this team," Steve explained simply, shrugging his shoulders. "So yeah, that statement does make sense."

"No, not the platonic type of love, but romantic! You have feelings for...her!" The grin on her face only widened as she pointed at you.

"Hahahah, sucker," Quill drawled, the smirk still plastered on his expression.

All heads whipped over to stare at you. Your eyes widened in shock and you shook your head wildly as you felt your face rapidly beginning to heat up and flush from the embarrassment.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" you questioned, pretending to play dumb. "There's nothing going on here."

"I don't-we don't-we're not-" Steve spluttered, his cheeks flushed a bright scarlet, before regaining his calm demeanor again. "We're strictly platonic."

Mantis placed a hand on both yours and his shoulders. "That, my friends, is a lie."

Everyone let out low wolf-whistles of approval and evil grins were seen across the lounge. Of course. The two most obvious people were finally forced to admit how they felt-basically. It was an understatement to say that they were all overjoyed about it. Especially Tony, acting the way he acted, but he was still asleep from being put under Mantis's spell at the moment.

"Mhm. What she said-" your eyes widened again and you slapped a hand over your mouth. "Shit-I meant to say what he said-"

"So she finally admits it!" Thor boomed. "We have been waiting ages for this to occur!"

"I don't have feelings for anyone!" you shouted.

"Okay, then explain why you guys were cuddling on the couch," Natasha raised an eyebrow at the two of you. Steve flushed an even deeper shade of pink at this.

"Uh, because my neck was cramped up and then I fell asleep watching The 100 with him on the couch?"

"Neck cramps my ass," Natasha snorted.

You groaned loudly and threw your hands up in the air in defeat. Without thinking you laid back and rested your head back against Steve's broad chest.


"Mr. Stark?" Peter questioned, "you were asleep two seconds ago-"

"Not now!" the billionaire grinned, "and I wake up to this! The ship is finally sailing!"

You rolled your eyes and slapped a hand to your forehead.

Steve, instead of being all flustered this time, simply chuckled like everyone else and wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer. Which earned several squeals of excitement; mostly coming from both Peters, and Pietro.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang