Hotch: "And as in nature of pack will keep on killing until it runs out of prey or is stopped."

Elle: "Stopped by what?"

Gideon: "A stronger pack."

Hotch: "Nietzsche wrote, the individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe."

Terra Mesa, New Mexico

Hotch: "Sheriff, i'm special agent Hotchner. The are agents Reid, Watson and Gideon." he says as they get out of the car at the crime scene

Sheriff: "I was hoping there were more of you."

Hotch: "The other agents went straight to the station house to look at the victim's files. Has forensics had any luck?"

Sheriff: "County CSU went through for prints and trace evidence. They said with all the workmen trampling through here, looking at footprints would be a waste. Come on."

Watson: "The bodies were almost completely skinned, yet there's so little blood."

Reid: "I think I know why. The unsub avoided areas of skin on the wrists and the throat. Areas where the veins and arteries are closest to the surface."

Sheriff: "Why would they do that?"

Gideon: "They didn't want them to bleed out."

Reid: "These kids were skinned alive."

Gideon: "Two cases of beer, two sleeping bags."

Sheriff: "There's a third sleeping bag upstairs."

Hotch: "Everything you need for a night of teenage romance."

Gideon: "It's unlikely the two couples brought a fifth wheel to take notes."

Hotch: "Sheriff, it's possible there was a third girl here. A sixth victim."

Sheriff: "I'll get my deputies to canvass the areas. See if anybody saw a girl."

Hotch: "You said there was another one outside?"

Sheriff: "Yeah. He was like the others. Coroner said from the amount of blood, he was alive when they impaled him." he says as they go outside and see a wooden pike with blood on it

Reid: "I know this is gonna sound strange, but the way the victims were flayed alive, mutilated, and now the impalement display of this last victim."

Watson: "What?"

Reid: "These were all war rituals of the Native American plains Indians."

Hotch: "That mean something to you, Sheriff?"

Sheriff: "I'll say, it does. Everything you see around us is apache land. This whole basin's a sacred burial ground. And was the sight of a number of massacres, as I understand."

Hotch: "So this development is on their land?"

Sheriff: "It was their land. But they didn't have the money or the inclination to build on it, so the town seized half of."

Reid: "Yeah, last year, the supreme court ruled cities could use imminent domain authority to seize and repossess undeveloped private land for private development."

Sheriff: "And now the town is looking for investors to build on the other half. The apache are fighting it, of course, in court."

Gideon: "There been any violence until now?"

Sheriff: "Nothing like this."

Gideon: "You know anybody on the reservation capable of this?"

Sheriff: "I don't know. Reservation's federal jurisdiction."

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