Chapter Seven

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This chapter has a lil' bit of "explicit" content. Only read it if you aren't holy, innocent, or pure in any kind of way.

I woke up to the sound of wild beasts' snorting. Turning around to where the noise was coming from, I rolled around in the pillow-soft mattress to find Lucas' body pressing against mine in the bed. Reacting from instinct, I slapped him as hard as I could, smirking as my hand connected on his muscular arm, resulting in a satisfying slapping noise.

"Oww," Lucas mumbled, his eyelids fluttering open right in time to feel my hand slapping his face. 

"Wake up, asshole. I want an explanation right now," I stated before giving him another slap, this time to his leg. Damn, it was muscular.

Rubbing his eyes, he slowly sat up and propped a pillow behind his head casually. "I'm sorry?" he asked, tilting his head. "I'm going to choose to ignore you calling me an asshole and ask what you want an explanation for."

I massaged my temples vigorously. "Seriously?" I asked incredulously. "You're kidding, right?"

He shrugged and replied, "I can't say sorry if I don't know what I'm sorry for."

"You literally just slept in the same fucking bed as me, and you're wondering what you did wrong?" I spat. I was annoyed, to say the least.

Lucas stuck out his tongue immaturely. "Last time I checked, this was my house, so technically, you were sleeping in my bed, not the other way around. I live here, I pay the bills, and I do the cleaning. My house, so this is my bed."

"And last time I checked," I retorted, "I heard my brother saying something about killing anybody who kisses me, sleeps with me, holds hands with me, and all that other shit. So I would stop arguing if I were you."

"Fine, whatever," Lucas grumbled, folding his arms across his chest. "But you still owe me a jar of Nutella since you ate the last one in the pantry."

Rolling my eyes, I slipped on a robe hanging on a nearby chair. "You're rich enough to buy out the Nutella factory, take a chill pill."

"A chill pill? You ate my Nutella!" Lucas whined in a high-pitched voice, making himself sound like a self-absorbed girly girl.

"Shut up."

"No, you shut up."

"No, you."

"No, you."

"Lucas, are you going to stop arguing with me so that we can get to school? I kind of need to get dressed and you're still in the room that is currently mine."

He sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. And for your information, I am a player, I don't just act like this around you." He winked and added, "Even though I like flirting with you and seeing you blush and get flustered. By the way, there's no school, sweetheart. It's a holiday." Then he high-tailed it out of the room and upstairs, leaving me alone in my room, at last. 

"Thanks," I called after him uncertainly, glad to hear that I didn't have to endure a day of math.

Getting dressed out of my pajamas, aka a white tanktop and off-brand Adidas sweatpants, I changed into a white cropped top, and a flowery sweatshirt. I decided to be edgy and live on the edge and changed into a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. 

Walking into the huge bathroom, I unpacked my small bag of toiletries that I had packed, organizing them so that the countertop looked neater. Then I brushed my teeth, splashed some water on my face, and brushed my hair to untangle all of the unruly knots. After that, I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked out into the kitchen, where my brother and Jake were already sitting at the huge island in the middle, drinking beer.

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