Chapter Four

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"Hey, Jessica!" Austin called out, with me standing by his side. The blonde bitch turned around and gave him a sickly sweet smile while strutting over.

"Yeah, Austy?" she crooned. "You're still coming over to my house tonight by eight, right?"

Austin nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, but Natalia's in our group too, so she'll just be coming with me. Is that alright with you?"

Jessica shot me a dirty glare, narrowing her cat-like eyes at me and surveying me as a predator does with prey. "Since when is she in my group?"

"Um, since now," I retorted. "Also, it's not just your group, your lover boy over here is in it too," I nudged him with my elbow, making him wince. "But yeah, Mr. Dean told me that I could pick any group I wanted to be in, so naturally, I chose to spend more time with you, since you seem like such an amazing person." I twirled a strand of my hair and added, "I mean, I am invited, right?"

Austin gave Jessica a smirk, one that seemed friendly in a cheerleader's eyes, but I could see the fakeness and disgust laced behind it. "I'm not going unless Natalia is, since it's a group project."

Jessica huffed out a long breath and attempted to twist her lips, which were slathered in about sixty million pounds of lipstick, into a 'cute' pout. "Alright Austin, she can come. But she has to leave early so that we can have some alone time later."

Austin gave her a skeptical look, but said nothing more, simply walking away. The minute he exited out of the building, Jessica sneered, "Oh, and don't even bother trying to hook up with him. Austin is mine, always has been, always will be."

I gave her a sickly sweet smile, trying to force all of my hatred for her into it. "Yeah, sorry honey, but have you noticed the glares that Austin has been giving you? He clearly doesn't want to deal with all of your shit anymore than I do. So why don't you just go do us a favor and stop trying to get into a bed with him, because honestly, your attempts at flirting are pathetic."

"You know what, bitch?" Jessica spat venomously. "Why don't you just go do everybody in the world a favor and kill yourself? Because I know for sure that nobody would even care. I know for sure that I wouldn't notice if you were gone." She paused, pretending to consider something carefully. Then she spoke again. "Actually, I take that back. I would notice, because then I wouldn't have to deal with you being a pain in my ass."

I laughed sarcastically. "Ass? What ass? You literally have no ass, you probably haven't eaten anything but salad for days. I'm sorry, but I don't understand the language of people who eat like zebras."

Jessica sucked in a deep breath. "Go fuck yourself," she replied, flipping me the bird.

"You know, I really would tell you the same thing, but I'm sure that you've fucked around with enough boys already. So stay away from Austin, because he wants nothing to do with you."

She glared at me, hatred clearly showing in her eyes. "Whoever said that he's interested in you is a complete liar."

I simply shrugged and replied, "I never said that I wanted him to be interested in me. Austin is my friend, and I'm perfectly content with him and I being friends. So why don't you just get the fuck out of his face, and mine? Because nobody wants to smell the expensive perfume that your daddy bought you."

She sucked in a sharp breath. "At least I have money to spend. Where'd you move from, Guatemala, district of the poor peasants? I bet you don't even have parents who care about you, you're probably just an orphan girl trying to survive on your own." She turned to the gathering crowd in the hallway. "She probably just lives at the homeless shelter, that would explain why she has no makeup on. Plus, her clothes look like she bought them from a thrift shop and then barfed all over them."

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