The Stilinski brothers

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(Spoilers for the internship, maybe my babysitter's a vampire but mostly for the last season of Teen Wolf)

Benny's POV
I take the mail out of the mailbox and walk into the kitchen, going through the mail.

"Gran we have 2 bills and, oh this one's for me?" I pause on my letter. I slowly open it and read;

'Dear Benny Weir,

My name is Stiles Stilinski.

I have reason to believe that your family may not have told you the truth.

You see I was going through some of my mother's stuff and found some photos that I think you are in. You are just a newborn in them and they have your first name on the back.

There is a photocopy of one with this letter. That's you, me and I think our brother Stuart.

I also found papers saying you two were adopted out. I asked my father about it and he just looked sad and hurried off to work.

I hope I have sent this to the right Benny Weir. But if not, I guess sorry for confusing you and kindly would you disregard this letter.

Please email me if you wish to talk more about this at

Sincerely, Stiles Stilinski.'

"Hey, uh Gran? Do you know anything about me being adopted?" I ask rereading the letter.

"Why would you ask?"

"This is me right?" Showing her the photo.

"Oh, it's about time one of them got in contact with you. Yes, that's you, Stuart and Mieczysław."

"And who? He said his name was Stiles."

"Oh yes, I guess that must be easier to remember and say."

"So I'm adopted?" I say looking hurt.

"Yes, you are. Your dad always wanted a child but never found someone, unfortunately, so he adopted you, with some help from me. I felt great power in you, even back then."

She sighs. "Well go on, contact him back."

I nod and rush upstairs to email him.

Stuart's POV

"Stu... Stuart... STU!" My roommate says throwing a pillow at me.

"What?" I look up from my phone.

"You have a letter, like an actual letter"

"It's probably from a family member. I'll read it later."

"It says it's from a Stiles Stilinski in Beacon Hills"

"What? I don't know a Stiles. Give it here." I say taking the letter.

I open the letter to read;

'Dear Stuart Twombly,

My name is Stiles Stilinski.

I have reason to believe that your family may not have told you the truth.

You see I was going through some of my mother's stuff and found some photos that I think you are in. You are just a toddler in them and they have your first name on the back.

There is a photocopy of one with this letter. That's you, me and I think our brother Benny.

I also found papers saying you two were adopted out. I asked my father about it and he just looked sad and hurried off to work.

I hope I have sent this to the right Stuart Twombly. But if not, I guess sorry for confusing you and kindly would you disregard this letter.

Please email me if you wish to talk more about this at

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