Eumoyan! (Norm Spellman/Reader)

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"Norm! Come here please." I hear Jake shout.

I pause sitting up straight stopping my conversation with one of the children. The other children who sit around me in a circle also fall silent or shh each other.

"Oooh! He's in trouble." One of them teases. And I wave my hand at them to shh them.

"Norm," Neytiri begins softly. "You have been welcomed into our clan for a while now. We believe it is time for you to choose a mate."

There is a short silence ending with Norm rebutting. "What?! But I don't-"

I didn't catch the rest of his sentence as the children all coo. "Ooh, (Y/N) you should be his mate." "I wonder who it will be, should be you." "We should help him choose (Y/N)." They say overlapping.

"Yes, yes, yes." They continue. "(Y/N) and Norm sleeping in a tree." One sings.

'They really are quite similar to earth children.' I think to myself smiling, shaking my head. "Hey, hey! Calm down! It is none of our business who he mates with. Now don't go making rumours, it isn't nice." I say sternly.

"But (Y/N) it has to be you." "Yeah, you're an avatar sky person like him."

"Jake was too but he mated with Neytiri, she's a full Na'vi. Norm has plenty for people from the clan to choose from. There is no reason it should be me. Plus..." I pause for emphasis. "It's eclipse, time to get home to bed little ones." I say standing up.

They all groan standing. "But we'll see you tomorrow right?" A little girl asks.

"Of course. Once I'm done at the lab I'll be here. You can show me somewhere new." I say smiling. They cheer and wave running off.

I turn to walk off before a young boy grabs my hand. "Walk me back please." I nod. I walk the boy home and his mother thanks me. I tell her it's no problem and begin to walk back down to where I last saw my friends.

"Norm, the people will be happy with whomever you choose." Jake says as I walk up.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I ask faking curiosity.

"We were discussing mates." Neytiri explains.

I giggle. "Oh, I know. The little ones overheard. They're already making up rumours as to who Norm's going to pick." I say smiling and then turning to the man in question.

"Wha? Who are they saying?" He asks,

"Nuh, uh. Can't tell you in case it sways your choice. Plus they were just being silly children." I say smirking.

"Well, I'm sure I can guess who they said." Jake says winking not to anyone in particular. "You two should probably get back to the lab now."

"Yeah was just heading there now. Wanted to say goodbye." I say nodding and waving.

Turning I grab Norm's arm, pulling him back as I walk. "Uh, y-yeah. Bye." He says slightly tripping and turning around to walk forward.

We can hear Jake and Neytiri chuckle. Norm and I walk to our designated safe space to hide and keep our sleeping avatar bodies at the lab.

I hand in my bag of samples and lay on my cot. "See you in there." I say closing my eyes.

He does the same and suddenly I'm waking up in the link bed. The lid opens and I stretch sitting up. "Hey guys!" I say hoping out.

"Hey, anything exciting?" One of the scientists asks.

"Uh, no, not really." Norm says walking over to them.

I walk behind him towards the door and smirk at him. "Norm got permission to find a mate. I'd say that's pretty exciting!"

The whole room lights up, teasing and berating Norm with questions. He stutters trying to clear things up. He looks at me and I smirk harder, walking off to my room. On the way, I collect my sample bag.

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