"I'll go get your vials" Dream ran upstairs and into Inks room. Blue watched Dream while Ink stared at where Dream once stood after a while Dream returned with Inks sash handing it to the smaller artist with a smile while Ink just stared at Dream and his sash. Ink slipped on the sash as he felt the emotion hit him like a wave. He felt them all happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, fear, calmness, lust, love. They all flew threw Ink of course it would take time for the skeleton to get used to it he hasn't used his vials since last week so he had to get used to them after a couple seconds of waiting for the emotions to calm down he felt a sharp pain in his chest. As he grabbed his shirt he yelled out in pain as his emotion were now stronger due to the fact he hasn't worn them in a while His body tumbled to the floor as Dream and Blue tried to calm him down but it wasent enough the smaller artist blacked out.

"Oh no..." Dream sighed picking up Ink and placing him on the couch "ANOTHER ONE... ERASED..." Dream nodded at Blues comment "lets go Blue" "B-BUT WE CANT INK IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FIX THE AU!" "I know Blue but Ink cant so we have to at least stop it's attacker" Blue nodded out of defeat as Dream opened a portal to the now destroyed AU "Echotale...". Dream and blue stared at the destroyed AU as Dream stared at the AU while Blue looked down to be met with a blue string "OF COURSE...ERROR..." Blue sighed picking up the string Dream seemed to notice as he to looked at the string.

Dream opened his mouth to talk but was interrupted by a loud glitchy laugh echoing threw the AU "I-I-I-f It I-iSn't GloW S-s-sTIck-k An-n-n-d S-suGa-a-Ar AsS-s" the voice echoed all around the AU the two star sanses wiping there heads all around to find the glitching voices owner "W-w-wheREs the-E A-Anoy-YinG SquiD-d-D?" "Non of your busine-" "PASSED OUT ON OUR COUCH" Blue interrupted Dream happily awesnering Errors question the glitch laughed once more before walking out of the shadows at twisted smile on his face his fingers covered in his blue strings as the three skeletons got into their fighting stance as Error took out his strings aiming for the the star sanses as they jumped out of the way Dream taking out his staff and turning it into a bow aiming it at Error and shooting it Error only missing it by a hair as the glitch sneaked blue strings up the star sanses leg successfully and tossing them against a wall Blue passing out while Dream was left with a broken arm.

"T-t-tCh PaTHetIc-c-C" Error only shook his head in disappointment to the sight infront of him making a portal and walking threw closing behind him. Today he planed to kidnap the stupid squid. Every time he thought of the helpless skittle trapped in his strings begging for mercy it made him laugh. He looked at the star sanses living room and there sleeping on a couch was Ink Error let out a glitchy chuckle as he opened a portal on the left of the couch. He summoned his strings tying Ink as he put him in the anti void. The glitch smiling before jumping threw the portal once more while closing it leaving himself and Ink alone in the endless void of white.


Ink stood in the snow as he stared at his brother... his emotionless brother... the one thing Ink thought meant everything to him but it seems he cant care for Ink back. His brother stared back before turning his back towards Ink and began to walk away "p-papyrus where are you going?" Ink asked his voice shaky from the cold wind blowing at him. Papyrus stopped his back still faced the smaller skeleton they both stood in silence until Ink broke it "papyrus are you ok? your acting differe-" Inks word were cut off by papyrus throwing a bone attack at Ink. Ink yelled in pain and feel to the ground as the bone hit his chest just inches away from his soul his breathing became heavy as he stared at the bone that was covered in his blood as well as blood flowing out of the wound "y-you did that... on PURPOSE!" Ink yelled as his brother had no emotion as he watched Ink tremble in pain.

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