Chapter 15

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Edward's POV

It was 3 in the morning, and I hadn't slept in 17 hours. I haven't slept since Chase was at my side. I don't think I can sleep without her anymore, now that I know what IT feels like. Love. I twitched at the word. I can't be in love. I have things to do, I have Batman to thwart! I don't have time for child's play. 

"It's not child's play, and you know it."

"Shut up, Edward."

"Riddler, you know you want Chase. Think about all the things you love about her. The way she twiddles her thumbs when she's nervous, the way she finds comfort in your embrace. Her sweet smell you can't describe. The way she looks at you, and the way you look at her. How she's not afraid of you. How she loves you back."

I growled and threw papers around the room. I began talking in my head again. "SHUT UP. That is prepostrous! What about the things I hate? How quickly she solves my riddles, how she makes me feel weak and vulnerable and warm and safe. The way she welcomes the wind and rain like it's a blessing sent from the heavens. I hate it all!"

"No. Those are things you love about her. Be honest with yourself, you love everything. There is nothing about her you hate. You are in love, so deal with it."

I sighed and placed my head on the table. 

"I am in love with Chase." I said aloud. A shiver went down my back when I said it. "I am in love with Chase Sage. Huh. How odd. This feeling, is new. I am in love with Chase Sage!" I yelled, a smile on my face.

"What? How could you, Eddie?" Query asked from the broken door. Damnit Chase! 

"Don't call me Eddie." My voice became slick with ice. Query stepped back, frighthened. "I don't love you, never have, never will. What happened between us, was a mistake. Now leave. I will call when I have work for you." I commanded, pointing to the door. Query slapped me and stormed out of the house. 

"You'll pay, Edward." She yelled before the door slammed. I rubbed my cheek, and smiled. One problem off my list. Now to deal with Joker. But first, a nap.


A few days after the incident with Query, I found out Chase's business was booming. All the criminals were coming to her for plans to rob banks or take hostages. I left her to her business, and she left me to mine. Though I'm positive I'd have to tell her how I feel eventually. But for now, Batman was my priority. 

"Hellooo Riddler." The insane voice of Joker cackled in my living room. I sighed and left my computer. 

"What do you want?" I asked, making a mental note to dry clean my couches. Joker was sprawled out on one couch, muddy and bloody, with Harley and two goons on the other. "And no feet on the table, Harley!" I snapped. She pouted and dropped her feet.

"Just reminding you that you are in my debt. I will be cashing in my favor soon, so be ready." Joker stood and signaled for his cronies to do so also. They left and I sank down against the wall. I'd either die at the hand of Ra's, or Joker. Now I just have to decide which is less painful. 

(Not very long, more of a filler. The story will pick up, don't fret :])

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