Chapter 2

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Chase’s POV


“ Wake up, loonies! Breakfast in 10 minutes!” I heard Fox, the nicest guard ever, yell down the hall. I groaned and rolled out of my bed. I smacked on the floor and could hear Joker, Teddy, and Johnny laughing from across the hall.

“ Don’t laugh!” I yelled.

“ Sorry, doll, but that was hilarious!” Johnny said, holding his stomach. I looked at him and held up my hand. His eyes showed panic as his fist raised against his will and smashed into his stomach. “ Ow, damn girl!” He yelled, stumping in a heap of Scarecrow. Teddy laughed and I raised an eyebrow.

“ You want a turn?” I asked. He shook his head rapidly. We exited the cells, orderly, for once. The asylum believed religiously in the buddy system. The person across from us was our buddy. Riddler was mine, Dent was Joker, and Selina was Harley. If Ivy hadn't just escaped, she would’ve been Johnny’s.

“ He wants a turn on something. Or someone.” Dent whispered to Joker. They high fived and Teddy’s face burned as bright as their hair. “ Aw come on Nigma, you know it’s true.” I was severely confused.

“ Well, Dent. Since my brain, unlike your miniscule brain, doesn’t run on erotic thoughts because you can’t find someone to fulfill your fantasy, I have never thought of having intercourse with Chase.” Teddy said. Owned. Wait what?

“ What?” Dent asked.

“ Hm. Let me put this into Harvey terms. I don’t imagine having sex, or imagine my fellow inmates ‘getting it on’ so therefore I have never needed to ‘make a move’ on Chase.” Teddy said, smirking. By this time, we had gotten our breakfast and sat down at a table.

“ So… you haven’t banged her? Can I have her?” Dent asked. Teddy’s eyes darkened.

“ Oh shit.” Joker muttered

“ If Chase would like to be with you, then yes. You can have her. She doesn’t matter anyway.” Teddy said, pushing the food around on his plate.

“ Sweet! Chase, honey, babe-“ Dent said. I was pissed they were talking about me like I was meat, and that Teddy said he doesn’t care.

“ Fuck no.” I said. I stood up. Teddy opened his mouth and I dumped some of the goop on his head. “ Fuck you, Edward.” I threw the rest at Harvey.

“ What. The. Hell.” Harvey growled.

“ Shit bags deserved to be covered in crap.” I said, trying to hold back tears. I swung my leg over the bench, trying not to get caught by a guard. Edward stood up and grabbed my arm. “ Just, leave me alone.” I said, tears streaming down my face. Selina and Harley looked up at me.

“ Chase…” Edward said. I shook my head and snatched my arm back. I stormed down the hall and back into my cell, undetected. I finally stopped crying and sat against the wall next to my bed, my cat sleeping next to me. Everyone filed in after breakfast and I avoided looking anywhere near Edward’s cell. “ Chase.” I heard Edward say.

“ Leave her alone, Ed. You messed up this time.” I heard Johnny say. I grabbed a book off of the towering bookcase. I looked at the cover. Riddles. I threw the book at the glass, hoping it would go through my door, through Edward’s, and smash into his face. It didn’t, it just fell on the ground. I picked it up and put it on the shelf. I picked a psychology book and opened it, reading. I heard my glass open. Brendon stood there, his nose still crooked from all those years ago.

“ Time for counseling.” He said. I stood up and followed him through the new arrivals gate, waving to the newly imprisoned Ivy. I kept walking quickly past the creepy inmates and into the counseling wing. I begged for the nice psychiatrist. I opened the door and felt my heart break. Dr. Sean Shrode sat at his desk.

“ Miss Sage. Hello.” He smiled, creepily.

“ Hello.” I said, sitting in a chair. He stood up and I shrunk back into my chair.

“ So tell me. How are you and Mr. Nigma?” He asked.

“ Te- Edward and I are fine. Why?” I asked.

“ I heard what happened at breakfast and I thought I could help.” Dr. Shrode smirked. My heart raced, not in the Teddy’s-smirk-makes-me-want-to-die-smiling way, in the Oh-My-God-help-someone-please way. He moved closer to me and smashed his lips onto mine. I screamed and slapped him.

“ Dr. Shrode!” I yelled.

“Oh come on, you know you want me. Riddler doesn’t care about you, and you know it. Everyone does. So be a good girl.” He said, forcing his lips onto mine again. I punched him so hard, he flew into the wall. I ran over to the door and it flew open. Brendon stood there.

“ Thank god, please help me!” I yelled. He pushed me farther into the room and slammed the door. I realized what he was trying to do and ran. He grabbed the sleeve of my hideous orange jumpsuit and ripped it.

“ This is payback, toots.” He said, grinning evilly as he threw me on the ground, Shrode smiling over his shoulder. 

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