Chapter 4

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Riddlers pov

I cracked my neck when I woke up at 4 am. I couldn’t sleep because of the construction and because I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong. Also because I heard someone chipping away at the wall above my head, making small cement flakes fall onto my rust colored hair. I jumped up just as a brick fell; landing on the black plastic chair I had just been sleeping on. I looked inside and saw Crane’s laughing face.

“Oh, hello Crane. Alone?” I asked, smirking. His laughter subsided and he glared at me, hurt in his expression. “ I-I’m sorry. I’m just irritated.” I said, running my hand through my hair, making the flakes flutter to the ground.

“ Why?” Crane asked. “ Ohh. Is it because Chase is angry with you?” I narrowed my eyes.

“ I can’t figure why!” I exclaimed. Chase stirred in her sleep and we froze. She turned over, facing the wall, and started lightly snoring. I smiled and Crane laughed. I looked at him, reached for his face, and slapped him. He held his cheek, but ignored me.

“ You seriously can’t figure why Chase is mad.” He stated more than he asked.

“I can’t think of a single reason. I’ve done nothing wrong.” I said, sitting on the grimy floor. I grabbed my costume bag and began digging around inside.

“Ed, you’re dumber than I thought.” Crane said, sounding angry and exhausted. I threw the glove I was holding onto the ground.

“I am most certainly not dumb!” I exclaimed. Crane just laughed.

“Oh Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.” He said.

“ Don’t call me Eddie. What do you know?” I growled.

“Just try remembering yesterday morning, when Dent wanted Chase. What did you say. What could’ve possibly offended her?” Crane said, like it was obvious. I thought, long and hard.

“ Well, Dent. Since my brain, unlike your miniscule brain, doesn’t run on erotic thoughts because you can’t find someone to fulfill your fantasy, I have never thought of having intercourse with Chase.” I said, almost falling over my words. I’m a fantastic liar, am I not?

“ What?” Dent asked.

“ Hm. Let me put this into Harvey terms. I don’t imagine having sex, or imagine my fellow inmates ‘getting it on’ so therefore I have never needed to ‘make a move’ on Chase.” I said, smirking. We were sitting at a table, slop in front of us, when he talked next.

“ So… you haven’t banged her? Can I have her?” Dent asked. Fury enveloped my soul- but why?

“ Oh shit.” Joker muttered

“ If Chase would like to be with you, then yes. You can have her. She doesn’t matter anyway.” I said, pushing the food around on his plate. Why did I care anyway, I don’t like her. Or do I? 

“ Sweet! Chase, honey, babe-“ Dent said.

Nothing! Wait….

 If Chase would like to be with you, then yes. You can have her. She doesn’t matter anyway.

You can have her. She doesn’t matter anyway.

She doesn’t matter anyway.

I said I didn’t care about her. She thought- no. I turned to face the sleeping beauty and shook her awake. She yawned and sat up as I wrapped my arms tight around her.

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