Chapter 9

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Teddy’s POV

I regretted turning Chase away like that the moment I heard the door click closed. I saw the hurt and heartbroken look on her face when I slammed the door. I grabbed a coat and Query came up behind me and spun me around.

“Ed, where you headed? You promised we’d have some fun since Echo is gone.” She said, pushing me up against the wall.

“Look, Query, I don’t have time, okay? I’ll be back soon, and then we’ll talk.” I said, kissing her cheek. Query stepped back and smiled at me. I forced a smile back, and then went into the garage. I sighed and closed my eyes. What have I done? I promised Query I’d give us a try, before I met Chase. I haven’t gotten drunk since. I got in one of my less noticeable cars and drove to John’s house. I knocked on the door and a few seconds it opened, John standing there, money in hand.

“You’re not the pizza guy.” John growled.

“I want to talk to Chase.” I begged, desperate. I heard a thud, but ignored it.

“You lost the privilege to talk to her when she came here, crying her eyes out. Get out, Nigma.” John growled, but pointing to the closet. What is he doing? Wait… She was crying?

“You don’t understand. She said something about a dream. She was… nervous. I have to talk to her.” I said. “Wait, she was crying?” How much can I mess up in one week?!

“You still aren’t going to talk to her.” John said. I heard a large crash and I got the message. I walked over to the closet and pulled open the door. Chase nearly tumbled out, along with coats and papers. I heard John sigh deeply.

“Hello Teddy. How are you this fine evening?” She asked, waving.

“Quite alright. And how are you, my dear?” I asked, helping her off the ground, laughing. She was about to speak when the doorbell rang

 “PIZZA!”  She screamed, jumping over the sofa. She snatched the pizza from the guy and Crane sighed, handing the man money. Chase stopped dancing and her face paled. I walked closer to her and was about to ask what happened when John reached for the box.

“Thank God, I haven’t had pizza in the longest time.” John happily sighed. Chase stepped back and started running to the backyard. We ran after her in time for her to throw the pizza over the fence. She ran back into the house and bumped into me. She fell backwards a little, but blocked the door from John’s grabbing hands. There was a boom and water, toys, pieces of onion and cheese landed all over the grass and door. Chase was holding back tears as she checked her phone.

“Hope you enjoyed your pizza. My boss will be back for more revenge soon. ~TM” She read, her voice crackling. My face paled, no. He can’t be back.

“TM?” John asked.

“The Mortician.” Chase said, shaking. “He’s come to kill me.” I pulled her towards me as she burst into tears.

“It’s going to be okay Chase. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” I whispered, stroking her hair. I looked at Johnny and I quietly told him the plan. He went downstairs and quickly scanned his house for any bugs The Mortician or his boss may have planted and for anyone watching the house. Meanwhile, I tried to calm Chase down. “Chase, breath. It’ll be okay.” She stopped sobbing, but tears were still coming down her face. “Johnny and I will help, you are no longer staying here. Let’s pack your things, we’ll find a place for you.” She brought me to John’s room and I got slightly jealous that she was sleeping in the same room as him. I pushed those feelings away, for now, but John should expect an earful later.

          She packed all her meager belongings and John came upstairs to tell us that there were no bugs in the house, but someone was watching from the house across the street. I turned to Chase and handed her Missy.

“Now here’s the plan. Please, listen carefully. We must follow every step.” I whispered urgently.

Watcher’s POV

I watched as Chase Sage exited Johnathan Crane’s home. She got in a car with a backpack, looking terrified. I took out my phone and dialed the Boss’s number.


“Boss, she’s on the move.”

“Excellent. All of you, follow her.” He hung up and my gang filed out of the house. We got in a black van and drove after the girl. She started drifting to the left when we got into the woods and flipped off the road. We all pulled up behind her and got out of the car. We forced open the door and checked the girl’s pulse. She was dead. We took of the hood of her jacket and compared her face to the face in the picture. I dialed the Boss again and he answered cheerfully.


“Boss, this isn’t the girl.”


“We followed the wrong girl.”

“All of you?!”

“Yes sir…”

“You’ve lost her?”

“Yes sir…”

“You will find her, or else this will happen to all of you.” One of the men trying to get the girl out of the car was electrocuted by a collar around his neck. He dropped dead, his body smoking. “Understand?!”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Bring Athena to me, and you will all be rewarded. Good bye.” I gulped and looked at the burnt man on the forest floor.

“Goodbye, Boss.”

*Short again, sorry guys!! Anyway, who do YOU think the Boss is? I dropped a few hints, but again, he's one like The Mortician, not very well known.* 

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