Preview- Reality Is Perception

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Athena kicked down the door, annihilating her targets with her gold .36 calibers, blowing on their ends.

"Athena, excellent job, as always. Come out and take a break." The smooth voice of one of her father's lackies cut in, causing the warrior to roll her eyes.

"Got it, Derek." She flipped her gold and black hair over her shoulder, sashaying her way out of the training arena and taking a seat in the adjoined locker room. A water bottle flew in her direction, and she snatched it out of the air, smiling as Floyd Lawton, more commonly known as Deadshot stepped into her view.

"How'd training go?" He asked, flashing her a smile as he gestured to the camera. Athena let her eyes wander, laughing as she noticed it's lax state.

"It went great, want me to show you the moves I learned?" Athena asked, standing and letting Floyd pull her toward himself, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. His hands cupped her chin as he pulled away, licking his lips.

"I'm actually here on business. Your father wants you to go to Gotham." Athena arched her brow, grinning devilishly.

"It's time already?" She asked, taking a swig of her bottle, emptying it in a second. Floyd nodded, holding up their plane tickets.

"We leave tomorrow. Are you excited?"

"Of course, I've never been to Gotham before."


~I'm baaaaaaaaaaack.

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