Chapter 3!

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*I totally fangirled. SpeakNoEvil and bridge2enigma commented on my story, good things!!! :D I did the happy dance I am so famous for in the kitchen, in front of my dad, on accident. Anyway, enjoy this!! It is currently 6:03 in the morning, so it's a bit messy. *

Chase pov

I was thrown back into my cell, my entire body aching. I was silently crying on the floor, still bleeding. I heard the door across from me slam and I sat up. I looked over at Teddy’s cell where the sound came from, but he wasn’t there. I looked next to it into Joker’s cell. He wasn’t either. I dared not look into Johnny’s, I was shaking with fear, I didn’t need him to somehow make me relive the pain and sadness I just experienced. I stood up and grabbed some fresh clothes from my drawers, slipping out of my cell to the showers at the end of the row. I opened the shower curtain, and even though the water was freezing, I didn’t care. It was quick, maybe 5 minutes. Being naked and crying again just made me even more depressed. I got dressed and air dried my long black hair. I cautiously snuck back to my cell and froze when I noticed that my cell door was open. My cat, Missy, was gone. Her name was really Mistero, courtesy of Teddy, but Missy sounded better. I had got her from Selina when she couldn’t take care of her. Missy had an odd fascination with Teddy. He said he hated her, but I could tell he adored her.

                I did a quick sweep of the other rooms, to no avail. I crept out of the maximum security ward to check for her. The security in this place blows. No guards? They wonder why it’s so easy to escape. I saw Missy’s long, multicolored tail disappear behind a corner and I silently ran after her. “ Missy, what are you doing out of Chase’s cage?” I heard the smooth voice of Teddy ask. I dropped to the ground next to the corner. 

 “Riddler, we don’t have time for this! We need to do the escape tonight!” I heard Joker hiss, with no joking in his voice.

 “The plan will only work if we do it tomorrow.” I heard Teddy say. Missy began purring loudly.

 “Why?” Teddy didn’t answer. “Is it because of Chase?” Still no answer. “Don’t tell me you love her! Eddie-“

“Don’t call me Eddie.” Teddy hissed. “And don’t question me. I have inside information that they will be tearing down half of the cells in the maximum security ward because they aren’t suitable to hold you all. We’ll stay with our ‘buddies’ overnight, allowing us to notify those who we want to take part in the escape to do so. They will finish tearing them down and clearing the rubble tomorrow morning. That is when we will escape this disgusting place.” Damn. He was good.

“Well well, Eddie.” Teddy growled at Joker. “I guess I’ll have to hire you for my next job.”

“Joker, I’ve paid my debt to you. We will not be working together any longer.” Teddy actually sounded…. scared.

“I’m afraid not, Ed. If you don’t help me, I’ll kill you. I’ll tell al Ghul you used his Pit. Hehehe, you will never escape me.” Joker sounded so evil, the temperature of the room dropped. Wait, why would Teddy need the Lazarus Pit?

“Fine, Joker. One last job together. Deal?” Teddy asked, voice shaking. I could tell he was scared, I would be too. I just want to hug him and tell him everything will be okay.

“Deal, Ed. HeheheheHAHAHA just wait til you see what I have planned for you!” Joker cackled.

“Joker! Riddler! You aren’t supposed to be out here!” I heard a guard yell. Joker ran, not seeing me sitting there. Teddy ran, looking at me. I winked and he clutched onto Missy. He ran into the cell block and I stuck my foot out for the guard to trip over. I guess he was running a little too fast, because when he fell, he flew into the wall, knocking himself out. I giggled and ran back to my cell. I tried to pull the door open and I heard Teddy laugh behind me.

“Having trouble, my dear?” He asked. His voice made me jump, in a good way.

“Of course not, Teddy Bear.” I said, flinging my door open. I walked inside and began petting Missy, who was sleeping on my bed. I turned around to face Teddy in his cell. Johnny and Teddy had pushed a brick out of the old wall in between their cells for when they wanted to chat. Right now, they were arguing. I rolled my eyes and fed my cat very little. I had to pack her food bowls for the escape tomorrow, regardless if Teddy would take me or not. I’m still getting out of this hellhole. I grabbed the backpack I hid behind my bookcase that could hold anything I would need. I collected the few books I would need to survive, my riddle book, my book of accounts and fake IDs, my   psychology  book and my journal. Anything else, I could find in Gotham. I grabbed my makeup bag, along with the rest of Missy’s food, and bowls. I also collected any perishable items. When I get thrown in here again, I want it to smell somewhat okay. The small amount of clothes I had made a nice bed at the top of my backpack for Missy. I was all set to go… except my tools. I smiled as I reached around my bookcase to find my Jericho 941F.

“HEY!” A guard screamed down the hall. I put my toys back, under my temporary costume, given to me by Teddy. “PACK A BAG FOR THE NIGHT! Y’ALL ARE HAVING A SLEEPOVER WITH YOUR BUDDY! TAKE ALL YOUR SHIT OUT OF YOUR CELL! THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE YOUR CELL, IT’LL BE RUBBLE!” An asshole guard yelled, hitting all the doors. Basically all the guards were jerks, except Fox. I’ll have to convince everyone to let him live. Teddy had finished talking to Johnny and was clearing out his cell, taking pictures of all the walls. He finished packing and lugged his stuff to my open door. The ward was under “ lockdown” just in case anyone tried to escape. HA. That’ll stop them. I yawned and cuddled my cat.

“ Hey princess.” Teddy said, leaning against the wall, once all of his stuff was inside, which wasn’t a lot, just his desk, computer, small bookcase, and chair. I waved. “I take it you heard we’re breaking out?” I nodded. “ And you’re coming along?” I nodded. “ Excellent. But I thought your place was burned to the ground by Batman?” He asked. I looked up. Shit.

“I’ll stay with Harls. She said I could. Or maybe Selina. I’ll figure it out.” I said, nonchalantly. I wanted to be with Teddy.

“ You can’t be mad forever!” Teddy complained. “ I don’t even know what I did wrong!”

“ Once you figure it out, tell me.” He hated more than anything not knowing things, and I could tell this was eating him away. He narrowed his eyes and plopped down on the small chair that was in my cell. “ Goodnight, Riddler.” He just mumbled in response.

Perspicacious InfatuationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ