Chapter 12

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*Another chapter! Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I don't have a spell checker and I type fast. Plus, I'm not one for proofreading.*

Chase's pov

I glared at the door Edward had only just exited. Selina looked at me, jaw dropped. "Jesus Christ, Chay. Way to shatter his heart." Selina said, completely shocked. 

"What the fuck ever, he doesn't care about me. Romantically anyway." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"He sounded heartbroken, Chase!" Oh God. Selina's pissed. "I've known Edward for years, longer than you, and I know when he's upset. He doesn't show it often, but when he does, it catches you completely off guard. He loves you, Chase. I've never seen Edward look at any woman like he looks at you." I was stunned. 

"Really? I mean, we kissed that one time, and kissed a lot another, but-"

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Back up the crazy train, when did you guys make out?!" Selina yelled. I jumped up and covered her mouth. 

"Shhush. Let me get dressed and grab my cash, I'll fill you in on the way. Now, no more outbursts. Okay?" I said. Selina nodded and I removed my hand. I put on black skinny jeans, purple flats, a black leather jacket over a white tank top and green tube bra, and a purple scarf. (Link the in external link)

"Channeling Riddler, eh?" Selina asked, laughing. I crossed my arms and glared. "Okay, okay, you look great. Serious, I'm like in love with your taste in clothes." I smiled at the suck up-compliment and we exited the room. I walked past Edward's office and was about to knock on the door when he emerged, his tie undone and his shirt unbuttoned. His eyes got wide and I saw they were slightly bloodshot. I looked down at my shoes to avoid eye contact.

"Excuse me, I forgot to change my clothes." I heard the Riddler say. His voice was so different from Teddy's soft, silky speech. The Riddler's voice was cold, menacing, heartless. I loved it all the same. "Chase." Teddy's voice was back and I looked up into his eyes, successfully avoiding staring at his bare chest for more than 3 seconds. His blue eyes met mine and my heart melted. I realized how much I loved him. I just want to push him into his office and curl up with him for the night. I wanted, needed, longed for him. "You look amazing." He whispered, pushing past me and shutting the bedroom door. I looked at the door and tried not to break down. 

"C'mon, hun. You need ice cream." Selina said, pulling on my arm.


"Next thing I knew, John was in the door and saw Teddy and I on the bed." I said, poking my cookie dough ice cream with a spoon. Harley, Ivy, and Selina were occupying the other 3 seats on the outside patio of the busiest ice cream parlor in Gotham. They stared at me, jaws on the ground. 

"Daaaaammnnn." Ivy said, sitting back in her seat. I nodded, sticking some ice cream in my mouth. 

"Darlin', Eddums really likes you." Harley said. She was chewing her spoon, long since finished her Joker Delight, a specialty only found at this place. She put it back in the bowl to talk. 

"I dunno, Harls.... You all know how Edward is with his mixed signals." I said, leaning my head into my hand, staring gloomily into my ice cream.

"Oh please! I saw those two all snuggled up sleeping! Not to mention the fact that Edward was totally thinking dirty, staring at her when she was sitting in his bed. You should've seen his face! Jesus." Selina said, smirking. I gasped, throwing Harley's spoon at Selina.

"Selina Kyle! He was not!" I protested, feeling my cheeks explode with heat. 

"Don't act so innocent, Ms. Sage! When Edward was standing in his doorway, you were checking out his invisible 6 pack." Selina said, rolling her eyes.

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