Chapter 10

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Edward’s pov

“We’ve been looking through these ads for 2 hours, Teddy. I’m bored.” Chase said, smacking her head on my kitchen table.

“I said you could live with me and my Puddin’.” Harley said, from the couch.

“No offense, Harls, but Joker is kind of completely insane and I’d probably wake up hanging over a tank of piranhas. No thanks.” Chase said, sighing.

“Why can’t you just move in with me?” I asked, confused.

“When I lived with Selina, the cops raided her house. When I lived with Johnny, a pizza exploded in his house that was supposed to KILL ME. I’m not letting you get hurt, Teddy.” She said, rubbing her eyes. “I’m… I’m tired.” She murmured before putting her head on the table and falling asleep. I sighed and picked her up out of the chair. I walked into my room, pulled back the blankets, and tucked her into my bed. I kissed her forehead and she smiled before turning over. I grinned at her and closed the door. I turned to walk into the living room and saw Harley standing there with her arms folded. I jumped.

“Hey Harley…. What did you just see?” I asked, nervously. Harley smiled.

“I saw you kiss Chase.” My cheeks burned and I scratched my neck. “Oh my god, are you in love with Chase?” Harley asked, bouncing up and down.

“Harley, you can’t tell anyone, promise? Not even Joker?” I begged.

“YOU DO!!!” Harley squealed, running to hug me. She smashed into me and I laughed. “Wait, not my puddin’? I can’t tell him?!”

“Tell me what?” Joker asked behind Harley. Harley was still attached to me, and my face was burning. Well… this is awkward. Harley jumped off of me and turned to Joker.

“PUDDIN’! EDDIE IS-“ I covered Harley’s mouth and smiled at Joker.

“Eddie is what?” Joker asked, getting angry about not knowing what Harley was talking about.

“Eddie is nothing, right Harls?” I asked, wanting to strangle Harley. She nodded, my hand still on her mouth. She licked it and I let go, trying to wipe off my hand.

“C’mon Puddin’!” Harley said, pulling Joker while she skipped out of the house. “ BYE EDDIE, GOOD LUCK!” I sat on the couch, thankful for the peace. I laid my head back on the couch and sighed. Suddenly, there was a whimpering in my room that turned into screaming. I jumped off the couch and threw open the door to my room. I saw Chase rolling around in the bed, screaming and crying. I shook her awake and hugged her.

“Chase, what happened? What’s wrong?” I asked, urgently.

“Y-Y-Yo-You d-d-died.” She stuttered, crying harder. I rubbed her back and held her until she stopped crying. I’d ask her about it later. I tried to tuck her in again, but she pulled me down on the bed with her. “Don’t leave, Teddy. I have to know you’re safe.” I said okay and took off my shoes and jacket, pulling the blanket over me and putting my arms around her waist. She cuddled into my chest and was sleeping in no time at all. I sighed and kissed her hair, stroking it. What was wrong with my Chase?

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