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18 years later? Idk the ages are messed up.

"Taehyung, where's your kid?" Namjoon asks, eyes wide when Taehyung comes walking through the bushes.

"I caught my son sucking off yours ." He mutters. "Jin is making him train as punishment."

"WHAT?!" Namjoon yells angrily. "Your son barely turned eighteen!" He immediately takes off to where Jin trains the hunters.

"Min JaeSoo!" He growls at the now twenty three years boy.

"Mom!" The boy squeaks, trying to make a run for it only to be grabbed by Jin to keep him from running.

"You deserve what's coming to you." Jimin says, protectively wrapping his arms around his som who's blushing. "C'mon I'm eighteen!" He mutters only to have Taehyung scoff. "If you're old enough to suck dick, be old enough to not get caught."

"That makes no sense." JaeSoo mutters only for Namjoon to smack his head. "You're five years older than him."

"Johin, I'm sorry for my son's horny antics." Namjoon apologises to the trio's son.

Johin shrugs. "It isn't like he hasn't fucked me anyway." He mutters making JaeSoo shriek.

"You're not helping!"

"I think they gave up." Namjoon says when he watches JaeSoo carefully stroll back into the cave head hung low.

"Why are they mad about sex?"

"They're not mad about sex, they're mad about their son growing up. Which I was mad about to when you first brought home a girl." He says before pulling the pup into a hug. "But don't lead him on yeah?"

"Of course I won't, I told you mom, I'm not like the other alpha's." He says and Namjoon laughs loudly. "You are exactly like them, a horny bastard."

He nudges the boy. "But I still love you and I think Miko is crushing on you."

Jae snorts. "She's seven and I'm terrified for the man or woman that dates her. Jungkook is terrifying when anyone comes close to his daughter."

"Yeah, meanwhile Hoseok would encourage her."

"Hoseok is a really odd healer." The boy shakes his head. "Talking about adult things—"

"You're twenty three." Namjoon corrects but JeaSoo ignores the statement.

"Dad's coming over."

Namjoon sighs. "When?"


"Hey Joon." Yoongi says entering the cave, hands shoved in his pocket.

"You know I hate it when you come by unannounced."

Yoongi snorts. "It would've been announced if Jae didn't get his dick sucked first." The alpha chuckles before shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah." Namjoon says pushing both alpha's towards Hoseok's cave where they'll have dinner.

"Sometimes I think you're an alpha too." Yoongi grumbles only to get smacked up the head by the omega. "Shut up."

"Oh wow, pack leader has time for us!" Jin says when he sees Yoongi pull up to the group. "Heard your son is my son's bit—" and those two are fighting.

"Jae!" Miko squeals hugging the young alpha, which immediately triggers Jungkook's mother instinct.

"I think Miko has a little crush on you." Hoseok smiles only to get hit by Jungkook. "Don't encourage it."

"Yeah don't." JaeSoo says picking up the little girl. "I already have a boyfriend."

"Like you didn't have a crush on Jin until you were sixteen." Namjoon mutters only for Johin to gag. "You liked my dad?!"

"You liked me?" Jin says and Yoongi snort. "I bet you were his wet dream."

"Ew!" Johin gags.

"No babe—"

"My son is not your babe!" Jimin says while Taehyung nods. "Especially if you're anything like Yoongi."

"Great to be back guys." The pack leader mutters as he takes a seat next to Namjoon.

Jae sets the pup down and sighs. "You're the only kind one Miko. Stay that way."

"I'm taking that personal." Johin mutters, crawling up to Jimin.

"Nah, she's going to be a little bitch—"

"Don't call our daughter a bitch!" Jungkook scolds his husband. Who scoffs. "You omega's become real bossy after having a kid."

"Don't they?" Jin says only to get punched by Taehyung.

Meanwhile Jimin pouts. "I feel left out as beta."

"You are, I think you said a total of 10 sentences in this entire book." Jae mutters only to get smacked up the head by Yoongi.

"You got that fourth wall breaking from your mother." The elder alpha shakes his head.

After that the talking goes comfortably and everyone is enjoying themselves, something Namjoon would've never thought he could do with these people.

So when the night comes to an end Namjoon finds himself dozing off tiredly. Unaware that when he falls asleep he's leaning against Yoongi.

The alpha sits frozen, smiling as he looks down at the omega he still misses everyday. Even JaeSoo smiles as he cuddles up next to his mommy like the adult he is.

And even thought they're far from it, for second, just a second...

It feels like they're a family.

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