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It isn't really a fight. Both omega's are just rolling around trying to pin the other down. Nobody even makes an effort to stop them.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Jungkook asks with wide eyes.

"No." Hoseok says. "They're not hurting each other and this is a good way to release all that pent up anger."

Jin grins. "And it's arousing, omega on omega." He purrs only to shriek when Yoongi picks him up and throwing the man away like he's nothing.

"Don't talk about my omega like that!" He snaps angrily.

The two omega's stop. Namjoon scowls. "Your omega?! What do you mean your omega?!"

"Oh my god." Yoongi says before face palming as he tries to think of an explanation.

"I'm not your omega! Jin can find my arousing if he wants to." Namjoon spits angrily. Only to get hit on the head by Taehyung. "No he can not!"

"He can't." Yoongi says while Jungkook and Hoseok silently continue eating.

"He can! Jin tell them you find me arousing."

Jin scrambles up from where he's thrown. "No, I have two people ready to kill me, I don't need to die."

"Don't ask my boyfriend to call you arousing." Jimin huffs and Taehyung joins. "Stay in your lane piss bitch."

"Yoongi?!" Namjoon asks with wide eyes but Yoongi is too busy hating himself to even hear the omega.

JaeSoo just giggles. "Daddy help mommy!"

Yoongi is pacing the pews in a church corridor (jokes)

Yoongi is pacing in front of his son while Namjoon sighs. "Here's the thing JaeJae." The elder mumbles, trying to find the right words to say.

"Did I do something wrong?" The pup asks with wide eyes.

"Well yes but no." The alpha mutters making the pup more confused than he already is.

"May I?" Namjoon carefully asks. Yoongi hesitates for a second but then sighs and nods.

"Listen closely Jae." The omaga mutters, scooting closer to the pup, his eyes turning soft. "Everybody has a mommy and a daddy."

"I didn't." The pup says. "But now I got a new mommy!"

"Jae, I'm not your mommy."

The pup frowns. "But you smell like my mommy."

"And you smell like dirt, are you dirt Jae?" The omega asks, softly fixing the kids hair.

"No! I'm a wolf!"

"Yes you are, just because my smell reminds me of your mommy, doesn't mean I'm your mom do you understand that Jae? You have your own mommy."

The pup narrows his eyes before bursting into tears. "No! You're my mommy! Everyone else has a mommy!"

He gets up to storm off but Yoongi is quick to grab him.

"No running off Jae."

JaeSoo growls before biting Yoongi's hand making the alpha howl as the pup storms off. Yoongi is about to go after him, eyes spitting fire when Namjoon blocks the way.

"Calm down!"

"Calm dowm?! That son of a bitch bit me!" He yells. "And yes I'm the bitch!"

"You need to calm down first!" The omega argues, shrieking when Yoongi's grab's his shoulder pulling him closer.

He closes his eyes in fear, scared of what's going to happen.

But all Yoongi does is press his nose against his scent gland, inhaling deeply. Calming himself down.

Namjoon just stands frozen allowing the alpha to do as he pleases.

Suddenly he's pushed away.

"I'm calm."

And with that Yoongi is off. Leaving Namjoon feeling conflicted.


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