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"WHAT ARE YOU MAD AT ME FOR?!" Namjoon yells angrily. "I didn't do shit!"

"Exactly! Letting my son run off while you're doing nothing!" Yoongi snaps back, seeing if JaeSoo's alright. The pup just seems a little distressed by the yelling.

"Do you even realise what's wrong with that sentence?!" The omega yells with wide eyes. "You're blaming me for not doing your job right! He's your son Yoongi!"

The alpha grits his teeth. "Don't talk to me like that omega, I'm this pack's leader and luna or not you must respect me."

Namjoon groans in frustration. "Yoongi get your head out of your ass for a second. Your son is more attached to me than to you! I'm mot even his fucking mo—"

"Don't say it!" Yoongi roars. Eyes spitting fire.

"Then when?! When are you going to grow the balls to actually be a dad." Namjoon isn't holding back, no. He's mad. "If you had taught your son not to run off he wouldn't have!"

Meanwhile JaeSoo pouts, pulling on Taehyung's sleeve. "Is mommy going away again?"

"I'm not sure Jae, let's go. We'll go eat with Jinnie yeah?" He mutters, picking up the pup who is pouting a little.

"Guys, Jae's with me." But Taehyung doesn't get a reply besides a mere glance and just walks off.

"You really should watch your words omega. I told you that if you'd bring any danger to my son I wouldn't be holding back." Yoongi says but his words only fuel the omega's anger more.

"Yoongi! This is all your own fault?! The second I arrived you've barely even looked at your son! He had his first turn and came running to me, away from you to me! Shouldn't that tell you enou—"

"Shut up!" The shorter yells. "Shut up, right fucking now. You don't get to tell me how to raise my kid!"

"You're not fucking raising it! I am!"

Yoongi's eyes narrows as comes closer, shoulder's squared.

"You're really stepping out of line." He grits but Namjoon isn't having it. "No I'm not! You, however, should step back in line."

"You were watching him!" He snaps.

"You, should be watching your own son!" The taller spits. "Get it together Yoongi! Your life, your attitude, everything!"

The alpha steps even closer, driving Namjoon into a corner. "You know what Namjoon! If you know it all so well then why don't you go ahead and et your own kid, show me how it works!"

"Jesus Christ Yoongi why don't you just realise you're fucking up the relationship with your son, he calls me mommy for god sake!" Namjoon yells.

"You're doing shit Yoongi, you ask me to be your boyfriend and still you're being an unreasonable fuck, you fuck everything up I wouldn't even be surprised if the pack is sick and tired of you too, hell we all fucking are!" And yes maybe he took it a step too far, but when Yoongi pounces forward threathingly Namjoon does the only thing that comes to mind.

He lashes out punching Yoongi square in the jaw.

Now what will happen!

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