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Hoseok is minding his business, getting ready to visit a wolf family to check up on their son who will be going through his first turn. 

When suddenly the scent hits him. He his head snaps up and soon Jungkook is standing at the entrance of the cave. An innocent smile on his face.

"Hello Hoseok." The omega says and Hoseok can already sense that the younger isn't here for a check up.

"Jungkook." He mutters, trying to seem uninterested.

"What a big cave you have." The younger says, walking closer to the healer. His hands softly running over the rock, eyes fixated on the elder.

Hoseok is freaking out. A man doesn't compliment another man's cave without wanting to get absolutely and utterly fucked.

"Yes, the ancestors of the pack—"

"Of course, the ancestors." Jungkook interrupts. "Shouldn't we honour them to make sure their blood line remain?"

Hoseok gasps for air. "You mean... making more pups."

Jungkook's scent is everywhere around him, it's dizzying and overpowering. His dick is starting to do the thinking instead of his head.

The omega goes to step closer, stopping when Hoseok shrieks.

"NO!" He holds up both hands. "Don't come closer. I swear to go my— oh my god you're seventeen."

With that he's running past the younger and into the woods, diving head first into the river. The cold immediately killing his boner.

Two wolf's race by and he frowns.

"Were that Namjoon and Yoongi?"

"I SWEAR IT WAS TAEHYUNG!" Jimin screeches on top of his lungs as Jin is cornering him in the cave. Ready to give the poor beta the punishment of a life time.

"Me?!" Taehyung pouts. "I would never do such a thing!" The omega mumbles, referring to Jin's broken mirror, which he most definitely smashed when Jimin wouldn't fuck him.

Jin looks at Taehyung.

"What?!" The omega snaps. "Are you going to believe him just because he's a beta?!"

Jin thinks for a second before grabbing Taehyung. "You are a lying little brat." He growls while Jimin sighs in relief.

"Am not!" The omega says, crossing his arms.

"You did it didn't you?" Jin asks, eyes filled with lust as he stares the omega down.

Taehyung sighs. "Fine, I did." In the end it doesn't really mater. He doesn't mind the punishments too much when Jin's turned on. If Jin isn't turned on the punishments are just cruel.

Jin grins, signing for Jimin to come closer. Which the beta does hesitantly. Not sure what the alpha is up to.

"You were telling the truth after all." Jin grins, before pushing Taehyung to the ground.

"What would be a suitable punishment?" He asks the beta.

Jimin grins. "Fuck me and make him watch. Unable to touch us of himself—"

"THAT IS RIDICULOUS—" Jin quickly slaps a hand over the loud mouthed omega's food dump.

"And, Jimin continues. Force him to be nice to the piss bitch."

Taehyung's eyes widen as he goes to kick Jimin's shin but he's quickly shoved against a wall by Jin.

"Sounds good." The alpha mutters.

"Now sit still and watch me fuck the shit out of Jimin.

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