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Everyone stares at him as he cries loudly, while Taehyung suppresses a smirk as he watches the omega cry.

"Oh no, not again." He mumbles before walking off with a wicked grin. Taehyung really doesn't like loosing.

JaeSoo pouts. "Is okay Joonie, I have accidents too sometimes!"

Namjoon only cries harder as Yoongi releases a sigh. "Go wash up and come to my cave."

Namjoon cries as he washes himself in the river. Considering lying down in the water to let the water drag him away and hopefully let him fall to his death at a waterfall some where.

At least now he knows not to mess with Taehyung.


He looks up with wide eyes to see his best friend approaching him. "Yoongi told me to see if you were okay."

"They're really mean to me Kook!" He cries and Jungkook sighs wrapping his arms around the upset elder.

"Just ignore them."

"I can't! He forced me to drink water and then pressed my bladder!" He cries and Jungkook's eyes widen. "What? Who? Yoongi?"

"No! Taehyung! That omega bitch! And now Yoongi's going to punish me for leaving his son alone." He mumbles and Jungkook scoffs. "Why don't you just tell Yoongi that."

"I-I tried!"

"Then try harder! He can't punish you for something that wasn't your fault!" He mutters and Namjoon scoffs. "You trying tell his stubborn ass that."

"C'mon Joonie, you can't let them walk all over you!" Jungkook, shaking the elder violently. "You have to stand your ground."

"But I'm scared, the man might be tiny but he's crazy strong." He pouts as he gets up from where he was seated in the grass, naked.

"Ah I brought you clean clothes too." Jungkook says grabbing a bag that he had put down before.

Namjoon smiles. "Thank you Kookie."

He quickly gets dressed and pouts again. "I don't wanna face them."

"You'll have to."

"Can't we run away."

"And do what?! We're to omega's." Jungkook says with wide eyes and Namjoon pouts. "True." He mutters.

"You'll be fine."

Jungkook has to drag Namjoon back to the caves, the elder crying loudly until he's literally thrown into the cave.

"I heard you coming from miles away." Yoongi says with wide eyes.

"Good luck Joonie! Stand your ground!" Jungkook yells running off because he's just as scared of the tiny alpha as Joon is.

Namjoon sniffles softly as he stares up at the man stood in front of him.

"Ready for your punishment?" The man asks and Namjoon starts crying all over again when he hears the words.

"I-I didn't do it on purpose!" He cries. "T-Taehyung dragged me off! And w-wouldn't let me go! And I had to drink l-loads of water and then he pressed my b-belly and I—" at this point be's crying to hard to even talk and even Yoongi isn't that heartless that he'd met the little omega cry himself into a panic attack.

"Breath little omega." He says crouching down to the crying to the younger. JaeSoo runs into the cave crashing his body into Namjoon's.

"Don't cry Joonie! I told you I have accidents too!" He says hugging the elder but Namjoon only cries harder.

"Namjoon." Yoongi whispers as he wraps his arms around his pup and the omega.

"Stop crying." He softly rubs the younger's back.

"I believe you."


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