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"Why so far into the woods?!" Namjoon asks, eyes wide.

"Because I said so."

"See this is what's wrong! You think you can tell me what to do like I'm some sort of dog. But I'm not!"

"You need to stop being so sensitive!" Yoongi snaps, running a hand through his hair in stress.

"Our wolves like each other and in wolf form you're like this great wolf who's kind to me and takes me seriously but your human side is mean and a total prick." Namjoon yells angrily, suddenly glad they're far out in the woods.

"I was perfectly fine until Hoseok showed up and forced me to be your babysitter. I didn't ask to look after your son, now he calls me mommy and Taehyung bullies me, Jin almost murdered me and Jimin is a major side character that barely has a personality!" He takes a deep breath. "Now I'm loosing Jungkook to Hoseok and soon my life will be all about you, I want my life to be about me too."

Yoongi is silent.

"You need to get your shit together Yoongi and you need to start with Jae, you're his dad and you're doing a horrible job—"

"My mate died!" Yoongi now roars. "My fucking mate died. I loved her and she was my entire future and then she went ahead and fucking died. Do you know what that feels like?! To have your entire life snatched away from you." His eyes fill with tears as he speaks. "And I couldn't for a second stop and take a break to breath, to grief because this goddamn pack needs to be looked after and JaeSoo and I never for one second get to let her go." He yells,  aggressively wiping at his eyes.

"And then you come along! And you were like this entirely mew thing, and I got fucking scared and everything inside me seems to be terrified of actually being into you because what the fuck will I do if you die on me too?!" He's no longer yelling, just talking. "And then my son points out you smell like her, which you do. So much, so I tell myself I only like you because you smell like that, but then you have the nerve to make me fall for you."

He looks at Namjoon, eyes roaring with emotions.

This is why their wolves get along better, human's are more complicated.

"And suddenly I seem to forget about her, just for a second but suddenly she isn't there. You are, and I feel more relaxed than I have since her death and that scares me, it scares me to death."

Namjoon is speechless. Eyes wide as he stares at the alpha.

"Yoongi?" He says, reaching out to comfort the man. But the elder snatches his wrist, i haling sharply to calm himself down.

"Maybe this isn't our time, maybe we aren't meant to be. The odds are against us." The omega says, sadly looking at the alpha.

Yoongi scoffs, shaking his head.

"Fuck the odds."

And with that he grabs Namjoon's face, kissing him like never before.

I might skip the smut again

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