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The more people who interact with this story the more self conscious I get. I started writing this story directly after The Force Awakens when I was only 14.  Now, a little over 4 years later, my writing style has changed so much and has evolved to a more eloquent level of writing.

I would strip this whole story and start fresh, slowing it down and really considering certain aspects of this story I have grown to loathe.

4 years ago I wanted to write a FanFiction unlike others I had read. Where it's not a slow burn and takes upwards of 10 chapter for the story to go where you wanted. I was an extremely impatient and ill researched writer.

If you want it I will do a rewrite, only fixing the chapters up to the standard I prefer. I wouldn't add new chapters or slow down the story how I would love to, just fix up a particular awful writing style.

If a rewrite is what's wanted it will be a gradual process as I am currently engrossed in a new story I'm writing. Please feel free to read that while you wait for rewrites.

My new story, 'Forever Indebted', is set after The Rise of Skywalker. It is what I would wish to happen following the events of the movie. It is a million times more planned than this story. I currently have 2 chapters waiting to go out on their scheduled days and I've planned the following 5 chapters after that.

Please comment on this paragraph if you would wish for a gradual rewrite. Only fixing grammatical errors and poor writing technique.

Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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