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SNOKE'S POV (that's new)

Foolish child. He thinks he can out run me. He thinks he can hide from me. He thinks he can defy me. I have him tied at the end of a string. I knew his compassion for the girl would tear him apart, I knew she was his weakness. The scavenger is strong with the force, she may not know it but she will turn fully to the dark. She will take her place and bow down before me.

"Send for General Hux." I speak out deeply.

Within minutes the small, red headed man made his was through the door. "Supreme Leader. You requested my presence" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Ahh General Hux. How brave of you to show your face here after your FAILURE OF STOPPING KYLO REN AND THE SCAVENGER FROM ESCAPING!" I roared at him, sending he sliding backwards against the floor.

"On his own Kylo Ren is powerful but his emotions make him weak, the girl on the other hand. Is untrained in the force, she has so much potential to be the apprentice Kylo Ren was supposed to be, but you let her escape." I spoke deviously down to him.

"Supreme Leader, we will find the traitors." He let out, clearly frightened for his life.

"Yes General. Yes we will. Prepare my ship for hyperspace," I spoke while letting out a menacing laugh.

"Supreme Leader, where are we going?! We have no idea where the traitors may be residing." Hux spoke out.

"General that is where you are wrong. Make the jump to the Yavin system."


I know better than to question the Supreme Leaders again. I make my way back up to the bridge and command our entire fleet to make the jump to hyperspace, I do hope the Supreme Leader knows what he is doing.

No one can escape the First Order. Doesn't matter how hard you try we will always defeat you. Do you think the destruction of the Starkiller base was a massive loss in our plan? No. I will admit, we did loose a big weapon but it's nothing that we don't have thousands upon thousands of smaller versions. Our fleet is huge, we have plenty of space craft, billions of tonnes of ammunition and millions of crew.

People thought our Star Destroyers were big, then they saw my ship, the Finalizer but their thoughts were quickly outweighed by our Dreadnought's. The Dreadnought's have the same cannons that wiped out the Hosnian Prime, the Dreadnought's are planet destroyers. So you can imagine how quickly planet after planet are pledging their allegiance and support to the First Order. This is where it gets better, our Supreme Leaders ship, the Supremacy, makes the Dreadnought's look like TIE fights flying next to a Star Destroyer. Snoke's ship homes nearly 2 and a half million troops. The king of Space is what that ship is.

The resistance have no fleet. They have no more than 3 small pathetic ships in their so called fleet. They had their pitiful base on D'Qar which has since been destroyed. The entire resistance fit on one ship. We will obliterate them. Rebel scum.

We exit hyperspace into the Yavin System.

BEN'S POV (no time lost since last chapter)

We stood in each other's embrace for what felt like eternity and for the first time ever in my life, I felt complete. Like that void in my heart, body and soul was filled. She was the answer. I felt her steady heartbeat beating in sync with mine, her chest rising and falling at the same time as mine. 2 halves make a whole.

We were jolted out of our haze by the unmistakable sound of ships coming out for hyper space, looking up to the afternoon sky I saw at least 13 triangular ships formed like an arrow head. My heart dropped to my ankles and my breathing rapidly increased. I shot my fave over to Rey who was sending me the same expression back.

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