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I woke up this morning with a slight headache, a strange room, and a strange bed with a naked body, I have no idea what happened last night because I drink too much and I have no idea where I am in this moment. A groan comes from my left looking down I meet with a naked body of a Guy, damn he's hot I said as I recalled what happened last night

Oh! I remember after going to the studio me and my friends decided to party in a club because it's been a while since I visit my studio due to my busy schedule.

I thought as I put my clothes on heading back home not even looking back behind me to that guy sleeping, I check my wallet and phone before going out, It's 6;30 am I have some time to sleep in the dorm before going out again. I said to my self as I spot my car and drive to the dorm, after parking my car I head straight to the elevator and press our floor as I made inside the dorm. I immediately head towards the bathroom to take a hot shower, putting my new cloths on I decided to make some ramen.

The dorm is so quiet I think I'm the only one here right now due to our individual schedule. I let out a long sigh our dream of being well known around the world is coming true however I notice that we are not that "ikon" in the past we change and the distance between each member is getting wider and wider our brotherhood is changing, I don't know if it is due to our busy schedule or the high of being famous.

Damn, I should not think too much I said to my self because I know that the one making the gap wider is me because

I think reaching the top is ambiguous in and itself. above the top is the sky, above that there's going to be something else. I want to be growing, higher than the sky and the universe.

I don't want to stay in the ground grounded that's why I have been releasing my own solo album and I wanted to Debut solo.

Having my own stage is all I wanted even through leaving ikon will hurt but I know it will pass everything past even my feelings for him faded as the time past away.

I shake my head jiwon don't think too much I said to my self as I finish my ramen very quick and head to sleep.


Bounce that butty~~~

ah, what time is it? my phone keeps on ringing checking out, Its a message from our Group chat.

Hmmm, reading the message it seems that Hanbin is in a bad mood and junhoe really doesn't learn a thing or two when hanbin is in tiger mode, we have been together for more than 5 years and still junhoe can't read hanbin's mood.

What time is it I said oh! 5;30 pm damn I sleep too long I have to go up now or else I'm gonna get scolded by our tigerbin.

Going out of my room I saw Jinhwan-hyung sitting in the leaving room he looks so tired and pale.

Jinhwan-Hyung what are you spacing out?

Oh, Bobbya how long have you been here?

I've been here since this morning sleeping but forget about that let's go upstairs Hanbin said he doesn't want us to be late.

Ok just let me change my clothes and we can go.

Ok but you better hurry.

After 5 minutes Jinhwan-Hyung appears looking absolutely cute!

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