Queen Is More Than You Think

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"Are you okay, sweetie?" Zika asked as the daughter of Kronos slammed the doors to her quarters shut.

"You seem upset," Zaire timidly squeaked, the nosos floating a few feet in front of her. "Did something happen on Gaea?"

Queen dropped Soul Forge to the ground, threw herself on her bed and pulled the pillow her grandmother had made her close to her chest. "How could everything have gone so wrong?" she asked herself, holding out her left hand to gaze at the ring.

"I'm going to file that under 'd'," Ivy said, her head rising through the bed next to Queen's.

"I'm going to regret asking this," Zika sighed, "but why are you filing it under 'd'?"

Ivy licked the golden ring before answering the other nosos. "For "duh", obviously!"

"Why can't the mortals find a cure for you?" the elder spirit of disease groaned while the other two giggled.

"I'm fine guys. Just a bit... overwhelmed is all," she said into the pillow, muffling her voice to the point only Ivy could understand it. It was the truth, but it also felt like a lie. And not for the first time, she wished her grandmother was there to comfort her.

The last twenty-four hours had been exhausting. Gaea had been a shock to the senses, with so many loud noises, things to see, new tastes, new textures, and just so many mortals. She never imagined that there were so many other people in the world, or that so many could live in one place. She didn't understand how people could take being so close to one another, not when you didn't know the person next to you. Then there was the way the mortals looked at her and her brothers, like there was something wrong with them. Yes, their dress was a little different, but was that any reason to judge them so? And all of that made it hard to breathe for some reason, and she surely would have fainted if the venti hadn't formed a human wall around the three of them and took them to the place called a park.

Though, it was nice to walk arm-in-arm with Knight, she thought with a small smile. And the toy store was fun. Queen rolled over and looked at the bag of lightsabers one of her attendants had set next to her bed.

If the day would have stopped there she still would have considered it a good day.

But then they had to go to Olympus...

All of her life she had been told that the Olympians were evil, but in her naiveté she had thought that maybe everything was one big misunderstanding. That was proven almost instantly wrong when they encountered Ares in the halls of the palace, the god of war dropping his prisoner and attacking them on sight. The god had tried to curse Knight's weapon to make heavier, but it had no effect given Shatter's unique abilities, and in a matter of seconds Jack had tied Ares up. They briefly discussed letting the battered and broken prisoner free but figured that it probably wasn't a good idea considering they were there to negotiate peace.

We should have though...

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to toss Ares into the throne room like they did, but they needed to show that they weren't to be taken lightly.

Might makes right, the manticore's words echoed in her head.

There was a moment where she thought that Zeus would agree to listen to them (even with the goddesses scoffing at them), but then he had to go crazy and accuse them of kidnapping Apollo. While they tried to deny the allegations, the gods worked themselves up into a frenzy resulting in Zeus ordering them to attack (at least that's how she remembered it, things got crazy then). The fight ended as soon as it began -as the Olympians were nothing compared to Tartarus- and they used their older brother's idea of taking him as a hostage for negotiations.

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