Jack Makes A Furry Friend

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Jack sat next his brother and sister, fully immersed in the amazing story his Grandma May was telling them. Even Lord Krios and Lord Hyperion were listening was rapt attention; the two titans standing behind the three of them with their massive arms crossed.

"The Dark Knight had the hero cornered at the cliff's edge," the white-haired woman said in a hushed voice as she held her broom as if it was a sword. It wasn't that much of a stretch to imagine it was a sword either, as all three of them had their bottoms smacked a time or two by the Karpoi hair broom. "I have you now, the Dark Knight sneered, raising his sword to strike the final blow." The shadow the firepit cast on the wall behind the of the elder woman looked like what he imagined the dark knight to be.

Queen was the first to gasp, but he and Knight were right behind their sister. "How will he escape now?" he whispered. The Dark Knight had been chasing the White Knight across the world, as the hero and villain clashed time and time again. But never had the White Knight been cornered before. Surely, the bad guy wouldn't win? He couldn't! His Grandma May, Lord Krios, and Lord Hyperion told him that good always wins, and if all three of them said it, it must be true!

Queen elbowed him in his gut, knocking the wind from him. "SHHH!" the black-haired girl cried, placing one finger to her lips. "I'm trying to listen!" Despite being imper- invinc- unhurtable, the three of them could still feel pain; something that Queen knew all too well. It didn't help matters that she was the favorite of the titan lords, with only their Grandma May telling her to stop picking on him.

"You may have me cornered, the White Knight said as he raised his own weapon to defend himself," the old woman continued, oblivious to their little fight. "But you killed my father, and I will not fall until I have vanquished you!" She swung her broom-sword at her shadow, each blow being matched with ease by the dark opponent.

"You can do it!" Knight shouted, bouncing up and down with excitement. Despite the three of them being the same age, Knight was something of the big brother of the group. It might have been that he was an inch taller than them, or maybe it was because he was the calmest of them; rarely acting up or getting excited. But Jack understood why his brother was so excited, they all were for the same reason. The White Knight had lost his father to the Dark Knight, who then made the world into a very bad place. It was up to the White Knight to stop the evil man and his minions and make the world good again.

And that's what they had to do.

His father had been a hero, and not just that, but a king as well! Kronos, or Luke as Grandma May called him, once ruled over all of Tartarus, Ouranos, and Gaea. And he was a good king too! He gave his brothers and sisters, like Lord Krios and Lord Hyperion, control over parts of the world so that everyone could be easily protected. Everyone and everything got along in a time that was called the Golden Age. But then Jack's older siblings decided they wanted to rule instead and started a war. His father and the titans fought hard against the gods for a very long time, longer than his entire seven years! But the gods cheated and killed their father and locked away all the good guys in Tartarus. But not before they were born. His father gave them to their Grandma May to take care of, and then they were taken to Tartarus, so they could be raised by the good guys! And someday, they would grow up and make the world good again.

"But then the Dark Knight laughed HAHAHA!" his grandmother cried, holding her belly as she laughed deeply. "I did not kill your father! I am your father!"

"WHAT?!" the three of them cried at once. Jack had never heard anything so crazy in his life! The White Knight was good, and the Dark Knight was bad! A father would never hurt his kids! That's what Grandma May told them!

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