Percy And The Once and Future King

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This was not a conversation Percy wanted to be having at the moment. Hades, it wasn't a conversation he ever wanted to have, and yet here they were having it.

"Sometimes you can give everything for one person and still wind up with nothing to show for it," the son of Hades said, a small, sad smile gracing his lips.

"But that's not right!" he protested, his bare foot bouncing rapidly on the cold living room floor with nervous energy. "They deserve something for helping them!"

"But not if the one they did it for wasn't even aware of their sacrifices." Nico pulled his legs up onto the couch and dug his pale toes into the cushion, before grabbing the ancient quilt and draping it over himself. "As far as he knew, he was the one helping them. Taking them in and all."

The son of Hades had a point, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "Then... they should have been clearer on their intentions. Shown them how they really felt." He reached over and grabbed some of Nico's covers for himself; the younger boy trying (and failing) to slap his hand away.

"How? It's not like they could just tell them. And I think they were pretty obvious at times."

He really needs to stop making good points... "I don't know! Just- just- kiss him or something! I mean, don't just stand there and watch after you've sacrificed so much! Don't just accept whatever comes! Fight for the one you love!"

Nico laughed, a sound that was becoming more common since his arrival. And honestly, Percy liked it; especially when the son of Hades would squeak or snort. "But they didn't really love them until those last moments. Everything they had done up until that moment was about gaining immortality. Gaining a soul."

"Okay, seriously. What the F- eff, Percy?" Paul asked in disbelief, as he rocked a fussy Estelle in his arms; his sister still grouchy from her shots two days before.

"What? What did I do?" he cried, replaying the last couple minutes in his head. I didn't cuss, I didn't upset Nico, and my drink is on a coaster, what could I have possibly done?

"Nothing bad," his stepfather chuckled, taking a seat in the recliner. "It's just that I could never get you to have a conversation half this serious in class, and yet here you are analyzing and debating The Little Mermaid of all things! I mean, this is the kind of discussion teachers dream of! This right here would have got you full participation points for the whole semester! Heck, if you contributed like this in any class I guarantee your grades would have been better!"

"Well I felt personally attacked and had to defend my childhood," he frowned. "I was just trying to tell Estelle a story and Nico chimes in with his nightmare version with tongue-cutting, immortal souls, turning into seafoam, and air spirits." He turned to the son of Hades who was doing his best not to laugh at his frustration (and failing miserably). "Seriously, what kind of messed up version is that? I don't think that can legally count at a fairytale since it doesn't have a happy ending! Was that something your dad told you? Because he is clearly telling you the wrong story."

Paul cringed. "Actually..."

His eyes darted to his stepfather. "What? Actually what?"

The English and literature teacher removed the small towel from his shoulder (a puke-catcher as Paul called it) and set Estelle in his lap. "Well, the thing is... Nico's version is the true version."

"Told you," Nico smirked, only to quickly dodge a pillow that just so happened to be aimed at his face.

Weird how those just jump up with no warning...

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