16 - Ethereal Green Shades

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*Sam's POV*

After hours of sitting down, we finally got to our destination. Which was, much smaller than we expected. The bus dropped us off at what seemed to be the town park, and here in El Salvador, the parks are usually right down town, which means that the church, park, town hall, and some houses were all there was downtown?

  This place actually looked like the place cowboys find during their journey.

"Is this really where we're going to be living?"

"Yes! Now, I think before settling in, we should go look at some scenery. Maybe a river?"

"Ok, that's fine with me!"

So off to find a river we went.

"Yeah, just go down that way till you get to the cemetery, then just keep walking forth. There's a two paths, just go down the one the water is heard the strongest."

Well those directions were, um, interesting. No, 'go down certain road?'

Nonetheless, we followed them to the best of our abilities. We went down the slope she showed us and eventually, did find a cemetery.

"Isn't grandma buried here?"

I suddenly looked over at Cathy. She was right.

"She has to be."

"Wanna check on the way back?"


When our grandma died, our father said he wanted her in his hometown, she had to be here.

We ended up crossing a small Creek which was filled with rocks so it wasn't very hard to cross. Well, atleast for me, Cathy got one of her shoes wet.

After that whole incident, Cathy ended up walking a bit faster than me and was now father up.

"Woah. Sam, look!"

I walked up to her and I was completely speechless. This was the scenery you see in movies or read in books, I didn't know you could possibly see it in real life! Don't all of us think it's all filters?

The trees weren't filled completely with leaves, making the sun pass through in such a beautiful way, and due to the various shades of greens, yellows and reds, the whole scene looked really ethereal.

"Screw this, I'm taking pictures!"

"Oh crap, I should too."

After snapping a couple pictures, we decided to move on, if the entry of what seemed to be a forest was this beautiful, what was the rest of the forest going to be?"

Well, to answer your question, it's was just as beautiful.

The trees on both sides of this 'road' were all so tall they'd overlap up top, making it look like we were walking through a tunnel of trees.

If you kept going, you could hear the vague sound, of water falling. We were getting closer to the river.

"Hey." I called out.

"If you got your foot wet in the creek, please don't jump in the river, 'K?"

"Oh, how funny. Now follow me, I can hear it more clearly this way."

Well, she was right. After taking that path, we were right there by the river, and for some reason, decided to cross it.

"It's better if we go on the vines and roots!" I argued.

"What? No! The rocks are better!"

"Let's do half and half ok?"


So half of the way we crossed stepping on stones, and the other half we were grabbing on roots of trees and some Vines. We were almost done, until a loud splash was heard, followed by heaps of laughter.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"How's the water down there!" I said as I continued dying of laughter.

"Great actually, why wouldn't you care to join me!"

And in a quick, swift motion, let's just say there's was another splash, and more laughter.

We quickly got up and finished crossing, before going up the rest of the path. Now this path isn't guarantee to bring us back, but there's a chance it will, so we followed it. It took us to a plains, which had us aweing once again.

"You know, this place sure looks like a painting."

"I was thinking movie scene but that works, too."

We were lost in thoughts until we heard a loud groan.

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know!"

Then we heard it again, but it sounded more or so like-


"Cathy don't run to them! You're wearing red!" I whisper shouted.

"Oh crap."

"Let's slowly back away- Ouch!" Her idea of slowing backing away made her slam into a tree.

"How about we just run?"

"Good idea."

And even though running away from cows wasn't the best way to end our little adventure, it sure was a good way to quickly see the way back to the village.


After getting back, we picked up our bags from town hall, and the same lady from before saw us and offered her bathroom. Now take in mind, this lady was at least 70, what harm could she cause? We happily accepted, took a shower, changed and went back to the park.

"Where are we gonna sleep?"

"Well I want to wake up fresh to go find the house, so, maybe here in the park?"

"Sounds fine. I don't think much would happen during the night."

"Well then, let's get ready for bed."

We ended up choosing to sleep on this stage thing the park had, which surprisingly, had an outlet.

We charged our phones, used the bags as pillows and laid down.

"You think we'll stay here?"

"I mean, mom and dad were happy here, and look at how much fun we had today!"

"Yeah but, we need jobs, and I need school!"

"Yeah, well, as for jobs leave it all to me, schooling for you is going to be easy, when the bus got here, we passed some teens in uniforms, so there has to be a school."

"You're right. You're always right."

"Well, let's hope that my idea of sleeping here was the right one, and that we won't end up with back pain tommorow.

She chuckled.

"G'night Sam."

I smiled looking at her. She was laying on my arm.

"Good night Catty."


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