8 - Fitting In

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*Sam's POV*

"Maria! Go put a recarga on these two numbers." Aunt said as she handed one of the two children 3 dollars and a note.

  "You put this here, and when she finishes putting that money on y'all's phones they'll work again!" 

Sure enough, the moment that Maria walked through the door, about 576 messages came through to both our phones. The group chat, D, people back at Chicago. Everything.  We were about to start answering when we were stopped.

"Ok! Y'all gonna go to school or work?" It seemed like Diana and Lucia were getting ready for work.

I looked over at Cathy, she had to go to highschool. I, however, didn't have a scholarship here, and looking around I could tell we couldn't afford one either.

  "She'll go to school, I'll join you guys." Off to work for me I guess.

  "Okay. Go get ready then! The day has to start." Abuela came out of the bathroom and started hurrying us.

Oh jeez. It really starts now.

*3rd person POV*

  As Cathy had to go to the school with the younger kids, Rosa had given her one of her older uniforms to use. She seemed a bit confused and the other kids questioned her sudden appearance, but she attended all her classes and charmed the teachers.

  As for Sam, she decided she hated work. She had gone with all her cousins to La Tiendona for work and helped sell garments.

Not the most tedious thing for sure but the hours were agonizingly long. She had to sit in front of a store and if anyone came by she had to show them around. They started at 8 am. They couldn't leave till 4. Yeah. Just great. And now here we are. Waiting for the day to be over.

On top of that, because she doesn't know her way around, she has to learn it by picking up the kids. So off she went, finding her way to the school, (having to ask more than one stranger) and she got Maria, Mariposa, and Martin. They walked back to the house but it seemed the children were leading her instead. From the roads, to the ups and downs, to the slopes, and the f*cking mountain steep range they climb, Samantha realized how much she needed to teach herself how to get around.

*Sam's POV*

"Ya llegamos!" Yelled Rosa and Cathy when they walked through the door. They looked a mess.

"How was your day?" Asked Abuela as she was inspecting the younger girls' heads. Lice?

"Bro, they are so freaking strict you have no idea. They told me to get the right shoe color! Like what the he*l?" Cathy was complaining about her day at school, even Though she really had it easy.

   "That's bad news because we just spent that money on Rosa's shoes, but come join us! We're cooking stew!"


We didn't cook stew. Mind you that when all the men came home from work, they were all hungry. We didn't even have all the ingredients so we threw out the stew. Well, more like boiled water and half-cooked beans. So we went out to eat!

   "Vamos a ir agarrar una pupusas. Está bien?" Abuela was getting ready to go out as she was putting on her shoes.

But as soon as she said what we were going to go get everyone yelled excitedly. Including us. Our mother used to make those. Of course, she was never a good cook but she tried and for us, anything she made was delicious.

  So down the slope we went, and around a curve, and by the school, to a little joint on the corner.

  They started taking notes and orders but because there's so many of us I had doubted that we would all get what we wanted.

Well, I was wrong. After about 10 minutes, they flooded the tables we were sitting at (we occupied two of them) with pupusas, curtido, salsa, and a variety of different drinks! When I say we devoured them, oh boy. Not a single thing was left but leftover salsa. We stayed there for a bit. Just talking, maybe waiting for our food to settle in before we started walking again but it was nice. I got to know them some more and we ate really well. All in all, we had a good time.

"Vaya, Buenas Noches!" The lights from downstairs turned off.

  "Buenas Noches!" We yelled back. After settling in and finding out sleeping arrangements, the lights were off and everyone went to bed, but I decided to check my phone first.

*Crazy Immigrants Group chat*

Sofi: GuEsS whoS bAcK iN meXicO

Sofi: s*It I'm the only one who has internet.

Sofi: hurry up and get deported XD

Sofi: jk jk XD

Aliah: haiiiiiii

Aliah: I'm BACKKKK

Aliah: Not in America but I'm backkk

Mark: y'all that twelve hours flight was exhaustinG my god

The messages went in for a long time but it seemed they were still talking right now.

Aliah: so I was like, 'no I just stuck my foot in a bucket casually'

Sofi: pftt- XD

Mark: wowowowoeo XD

Me: HeY gUyS iM HeRe

Mark: SaMmMMmMm

Sofi: oMl youR hEre

Aliah: sAm We haVeNT tAlked In legIt forEverrr

Me: Well, yeah you know we got deported XD

Mark: y'all found a place to stay or??

Me: yeah apparently we have a big as crap family and they took us in

Sofi: aww that's great.

Cathy: yeAh jusT ignOre mE hEre

Me: your salty XD

Aliah: cathyy

Mark: cAtHy

Sofi: bIsh I mISs yOu

Cathy: bIsH I MisS yoU 2

And it went on like that. Just catching up and messing around. Yeah, we were all in different countries and we missed each other, but that didn't mean that we had to separate. I think that it'll bring us closer if anything. I mean, we'll want to see each other more and we'll-

"Hey! Turn those phones off young ladies!"

I chuckled. "Si Abuela."

I went to bed with a smile on my face that night.


Who's To Say?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora