1 - A Normal Day

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*Sam's POV*

6:00. My alarm went off and I slammed on the button to turn it off. I'm not gonna deal with being late to everything because I was being lazy and decided to snooze.

Ugh. What day is it? I check my phone.

Sunday, June 28

Okay. Easy, do a couple errands and chores. Okay let's start. What's on the list today.

1. Buy groceries
2. Do laundry
3. Clean Apartment

3? Really? Only 3? Ok well let's go. I like to start the day with a nice cold shower. It usually takes about 30 minutes due to my curly hair which reaches to my lower back. Washing, combing, taking care of and styling it is a workout in itself but I wouldn't trade my hair for anything.

Okay, okay, clothes. Don't want to get arrested, now do we? Screw dressing nicely. A flannel and skinny jeans. They look decent, no? Whatever. Suddenly I hear a noise from the other side of the apartment.

"Aw shit! I fell off the bed!" That would be Cathy, my sister.

"HEY! Watch your language." I told her. She's just barely 15. She shouldn't be cursing.

"I'm gonna go do the errands for today." I said as I grabbed my wallet off the counter. "You coming or no?"

"Nah, I have tons of homework to do." She said as she got some cereal.

"Okay, love you bye." And I left the apartment.

"Okay! Groceries, groceries. Where the heck am I going? I need my car!" As I got in my car I started thinking of all that I need.

Juice, milk, Bread and ham, fruits and veggies.
I was finishing my list when all of a sudden I hear, You say love is messed up. You say that it don't work. You don't wanna try? No, no.

BTS. I smiled to myself and started singing along. It's not every day you hear them on the radio. Sooner or later I pulled up to the grocery store. Ok, fruits and veggies are in the front so I should get those first. Banana's, apples, mangoes. Crap. I suck at vegetables. Umm. Tomatoes, onion, carrot? Do we eat carrots? Screw it. I got a couple tomatoes, onions, and green peppers and left.

Okay, I should've gotten the bread first! Shoot. I went back to the front of the store, chose the freshest loaf of honey wheat bread I could find and went to the deli section. This store is Hispanic so I might speak Spanish but yet again most people speak English too? Oh whatever, Spanish it is. I grabbed my ticket number. 52.

Number fifty- two.

"Aquí!" I yelled.

"Que va querer?"

"Una libra y media de jamón polish crakùs."


I nodded. My parents were immigrants and came to the US to raise me and Cathy. We never visited central America or knew what the name of our parents country was. All they taught us was to speak Spanish. A gift I'm truly grateful for. It is very helpful. I got my pound and a half of ham and went for the juice. What flavor do we like again? Well, color? We don't know the flavors, only that the cap is different colored. Whatever, I got a juice (with a yellow cap) and went over to the dairy.

Milk, I only need milk, milk, milk, and I don't care. I ended up getting a gallon of milk and a pack of 8 yogurts, because why not?

I paid and strangley eyed the cashier who seemed to be judging my items? I paid, ($34.56) and went back home.

"Sam!" Cathy whined as soon as I came through the door, dragging the "a" in my name.

"What do you want toad?" I asked chuckling as I started putting away the groceries.

"First of all, I'm not a toad. Second, help me!" She whined again "Algebra is hard!"

"Oh my Lord, please stop whining. I'll help you, but help me first. Put away the rest of the groceries, I'll go do the laundry, I'll help you for a bit and then we'll both clean. Capíce?" I said and walked away, my question obviously being rhetorical.

I washed both the light and dark colors and then went to help Cathy and her quote-on-quote hard algebra. "Help!"

I looked at the problems and stiffled a laugh.
This is basic! Slope and Pythagorean theorem.

"I remember this! Ok smarty pants, get ready for an hour of tutoring with Sam, cause apparently you need it."



"Sam where on Earth is the dust pan?!"

"Under the sofa!" I yelled back as I cleaned our dancing room with some newspaper.

"Oh gee, what a great place to put the dust pan." Sarcasm leaking from her voice.

Cleaning wasn't really a hassle as the apartment we lived in wasn't big. Both of us have our rooms, a kitchen which has a small table, aka our dining room, a small sitting area and a room which all the walls are mirrors. Thanks to that room, both of us got into dancing. I was currently cleaning said room, as Cathy swept and mopped the floor. We both clean our individual rooms because, you know. Privacy.

I left to get more newspaper for the other side of the room when I stepped into the Hall. I slipped on the wet floor and fell on my back.

"Oops! I forgot to tell you I was done mopping!" Cathy said with a smirk as she wiped down the counter.

"Cathy Jones, you little shit." I furiously chased her down the hall. Oh well, cleaning can wait.


"And 1, and 2, and 3 and 4. Twist, jump! Side to side!"

"Why do you insist on doing that? Why can't you be a normal person and just use a full 8-count?"

"Because I want to."

We were currently putting the mirror room to use by freestyling but then I got bored.

"Wanna learn that one BTS choreo?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Don't swear!" I said as I put on the dance practice


A beat hit. We're squatting down. Second one. Third. We start getting up. Fourth. We walk forward. Fifth. Bultaurune.

When I dance, I feel as if my muscles knew what to do. As if they had a brain if their own. I look over to Cathy and smile. When our parents left us that day, she was always so depressed. I decided leaving LA was best and coming to Chicago definitely helped. I can't help but feel happy when I see her smile as we finish when RM starts his verse.

"Ayeeee! We slayed that bish! Who said the choreo to Fire is hard? Who!"

"You. Like 19 times during the chorus."

"Oh shut up!"

I simply laughed. I really do love my life.


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