12 - Their Slurs

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*3rd Person POV*

Since it's vacation week and school is still out, Cathy has gone out with Rosa, but it's getting really late, and they've made no signs of coming back soon.


*Warning, triggering scenes*

"Vamos! We need to go home quickly!" Rosa called out to Cathy who was still laughing from the outing, then she saw the time and agreed.

"How did we stay out here so late?!"

"I have no idea but this area isn't really safe, come on we need to go." She grabbed her hand roughly and started running.

Rosa was really strong, she often did errands that included upper body strength and with her playing soccer she also gained a lot of physical activity, but a strong 15 year old is still just a 15 year old.

As they approached the house, there was a certain part of the road that had no street lights. As they reached that part, they heard a voice.

"How pretty. Your so pretty."

The drunken slurs had them speed walking, but they weren't going out of sight.

The man beckoned over another drunk, and continued speaking.

"Aren't these two pretty? Oh, the things we could do with them."

The second man went and grabbed them both, despite their pleads to be let go.

"Let us go! We're only girls!" Cried Cathy.

"This one is too, boyish."

He threw Rosa back on the concrete floor and took Cathy back over to the dark area of the street.

"Oh, she's like sweet water, and she shall quench our thirst whether she likes it or not."

"Rosa! Corre! Consigue ayuda por favor!" She cried out, desperate to avoid the scene.

Rosa, quickly stumbled up from the ground and started running, but who in the land can avoid fate?

*Cathy's POV*

It started off simply as uncomfortable. Rubbing patterns against my skin, pretending to be ok. Then I got cold, items dropping to the floor, my hair became a mess.

If I close my eyes it will be over soon, right?

If I close my eyes I won't feel the pain, right?

If I close my eyes I won't feel like a rag doll, right?

I felt like a little girl being punished by her parents, being put in a corner. Being so hurt, yet unable to say a word.

I felt like a girl in school doing her absolute best yet still feeling like not enough, no matter how hard she tries.

I felt the cruel reality of the world as these two men called me theirs, as if I was some object, but they will for sure leave once they're done.

I felt them finish and leave to not get caught. I put on my clothes and sat and sobbed.

Then I felt warm.

From the tears on my face, from the screaming in my throat, from the pain in my lungs, from the horridness they left inside me, and from the hug of my sister, as she told me it's over now, and I should open my eyes.

*End of triggering scenes*

At home I tried showering to feel better. Not dirty, not useless, not disgusting.

I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and it just wouldn't go away. The feeling wouldn't go away.

I refused to talk to anyone. I showered, ate, and went to bed. Not to sleep, but to bed.

I'm only fifteen.

Why me?

Why did they choose me?!

I fell asleep after my eyes and body could no longer stay awake, but woke up screaming when I felt them touch my leg in the middle of the night.


*CrAzY iMmiGrAnTs GrouP chAt*

yO hE asKed Me oUt!!


bout time.

I was so ready to get over him
Like I was 100% sure he was straight!

Not to be that person
But he could be leading you on
Be careful

Guys, I need your help.
Pm me...

*Aliah and Sam Private messages*

Are you ok??
You seem down..

I'm perfectly fine
But I don't think Cathy is

Do you have an idea of why?

Now I don't think it's my place to tell
But we found her crying on the streets yesterday at night. She looked a mess
And at 2 am she woke up screaming...

That sounds like
Oh no..
How old is she again?

My sister is still a child!
Speaking of her shes calling me.
Tell the others will you?

Ofc. Give her a hug for me.

*Sam's POV*

I approached her quietly. She was in the bedroom crying. The house was empty and the sounds of sobs resonated off the walls. If the house wasn't empty I'm sure she wouldn't be breaking down like this.

"Cathy? You here?"

She looked up and I felt my heart break. Her eyes were swollen from crying so much and her face screamed pain.

She sat up and extended her arms out asking for a hug, from what I think happened I was definitely not going to deny it to her.

I engulfed her in my arms and sat there. She started crying into my shoulder and like an automatic reaction I started singing.

"Wake up in Tokyo
Feel like a torso
I know,
It's time to go."

She chuckled.

"We gotta find another song, I love mom's song, but it gets old."

Then I had an idea.

"What about dad's song?"

"And if the whole world was watching
I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth."

I looked at her reassuringly, and she finished it.

"Everything comes back to you."

"Your not going to tell me what happened, right?"

"Not today, I still can't believe what happened. I'll tell you sooner than later though."

I hugged her tighter, "That's ok with me. Your just like him."

"Am I? I thought I was like her."

She snuggled her face in my the crook of my neck and I rubbed circles on her back to calm her.

"Nope, you're just like him."


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