4 - Our Group

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*Sam's POV*

Well, it's been a week. At this day and time we've made a bit of a group.

We met Sofia. She has big, clear eyes and long Ash brown hair. She was funny and made everyone laugh when we felt down.

And we'll apart from her we had me, Cathy, Aliah, and Mark. The 5 of us just kinda sat in the middle all day.

I thought that even though this experience is so hectic, we always find people to stand with us. Mark, all the way from South Korea, Aliah from Nicaragua, Sofia from Mexico and me and Cathy from who knows where. Funny how it works huh?

In the middle of my oh-so-important thinking, I was cut off by the groups shenanigans.

"Ok! Ok I got a good one! (G)-idle, latata." Exclaimed Aliah

"Dang, your right. Ok, I guess you beat me." replied Mark

"What are you crackheads on about now?" I asked trying to get back into the conversation.

"We're naming choreographies, trying to see who can name a better one or a harder one." Sofia explained, she didn't look like she cared much though.

"You try! Come on! Against me!" Cathy made me sit down with them by pulling my arm.

"Mines is... Hm. BTS, Dionysus!" She said after a while of thinking.

A series of 'ooh's were heard and I started smiling like an idiot for some reason. Who knew that even in this situation I could be smiling?

"Ok then, Superjunior. Sorry, sorry." I said with a smirk. Here I knew I had won. You can't beat the iconics.

"Ugh! Dang, your good at this. Fine, you win that one."

After that, we were just throwing idols names and songs. It was really fun actually.

".... Señorita, (G)-idle......"
                 "......Egotistic, Mamamoo...."

   ".......NCT 127, Regular....."

                              "...2NE1, Fire....."

We're just about to go into the next round when the speakers got turned on. Oh boy, we all shivered.

We quickly gathered up our things and ran to each of our corners in the room.

"Group Mexico shall now begin."

"Maria Thompson, TTA."

A woman quickly started crying before gathering her things and going to the door. Oh no. Sofia might be leaving. Right here, we knew that this point would come, so we took precautions and everyone exchanged numbers, but the feeling of never seeing each other ever again lingered in everyone's stomach.

"Jorge Ramos, TTA."

"Karla Martinez, Approved."

Less and less people were in the room with everyone they called, however, only one person had been approved so far, and that didn't help put anyone's nerves at ease.

"Sofia Crúz, TTA."

Simultaneously, we all looked over to her, she had a sad smile on her face, but nonetheless she got up and collected her things. A teardrop hit the floor and she quickly rubbed her eyes.

She was about to leave, but she turned around, and engulfed all of us in a hug.

"I'll miss you guys. Please, keep in contact with me."

And with that, she left. Out the door. On her way back to Mexico.

They continued calling names until a whole corner was empty, not that any of us paid attention anymore. Sofia was the reason we were all dreading this day to come. Now, we can only dread the rest of us to leave as well. 


The week continued and I slowly started realizing some things. We have literally no idea where we're going. Mark, Sofia, Aliah. All of them were less scared because they had an idea of where they would go. They had an idea of where they could stay.

We don't.

We have no idea where we're going. Where we're going to stay. No idea what we're going to do. We're walking into the face of nothing.

We had everything we could ask for. Jobs, a good education, a roof, food. Now we have whatever we packed in our bookbags.  Not much.

In about an hour. We went from having everything we could ask for to having absolutely nothing. Not even a hope for the future.

We've started from scratch once before, but we still knew what we were doing. We knew what we had to do. In a new country, everything is different.

Culture, language, traditions, life, everything!

The only thing we have for certain is that we'll be able to communicate. At least we think.

Our parents showed us to speak Spanish for a reason. They must've. If we were from, Korea like Mark, for example, wouldn't we have learned Korean?

While I was thinking, a new group was leaving. Guatemala.

About 10 people left. Most of them being kids.

Well, at least we have some acknowledgment. We know how life works.

Those kids have their lives to live. To discover themselves. They hadn't begun to live before they had nothing.

I looked over at the group. I stifled a laugh.

They seemed so calm about this. As if it was some bad dream that everyone would wake up from, and continue living their normal lives.


"You move your right leg back, and do this, like, wave motion with your arms." Explained Mark.

We figured, 'we're stuck in this room for another week with nothing to do, why not dance?'.

After about a day of rehearsing an EXO choreo, we decided that Mark was definitely the best one at dancing, and let him do all the teaching.

Seeing as we had no service here, we could only dance to downloaded songs. So, using Aliah's phone, we put in the song and began to dance.

And for a second, everything felt ok.

Everything felt like I was back home with Cathy, in the mirror room.

Like everything would only get better.

The four of us danced for different things.

To be confident.

To be fit.

To be happy.

But right now, all of us danced for the same reason.

To feel like everything is ok.

To get a feel of home, and at that moment, when the song ended, and the last group other than us cheered, we all did feel at home.


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