13 - A Turn Of Events

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*Sam's POV*

After what we think happened to Cathy and Rosa we've all been scared to go out late at night. Sadly, it's exactly where I am right now.

I had been asked to work overtime after I skipped a day to spend it with Cathy. I didn't mind at first but seeing the situation I'm in now really doesn't help settle my nerves.

I left the more populated part of the city and started walking in the direction of home. Huh, not just a house anymore is it? Slowly but surely, the lights started coming on as it got darker.

As I walked around the school a shiver went up my spine. I started walking faster, the quicker I get home, the quicker it'll be ok.

I got on the super steep road and started running criss-cross to not get as tired. The further I walked up, the louder it seemed voices were heard. Once I realized what they were saying I stopped walking.

"They took the life of our youngest member. Now we'll take all of theirs."

"Not to mention they stole 10 pounds of coke from us. That's expensive and they'll have to pay us."

Could it be a gang? It sure sounded like one. If it was then I'm it sure wasn't Coca-Cola they were talking about, and from what I overheard they probably would take my life if they saw me.

Slowly I started walking back to the school. If I could get to the school, I can stay there till the morning and then go back.

I was about to leave earshot when I tripped and stubbed my toe.

"Crap!" I exclaimed.

"Was that a woman's voice?"


I started booking it. Of course, I took off my shoes, they would make alot of noise on the tile of all the houses. I heard footsteps far behind me but I kept going. If I'm in the crowded streets I'll just be one of many.

I ran straight past the school, that would be too obvious. Down the street, to the left and now I'm in the city again. I crossed the street and sat down. I looked up and saw yellow and green shiny letters illuminating me.


Well, I guess I'll go shopping. I quickly put on my flats and started walking around. I didn't have too much cash on me so I wasn't actually gonna buy anything. Maybe a candy or something. Then I had an idea. Rosa knows this whole country like the back of her hand. She must know a different way to get home and not cross the gang again, right?

Rosa! Help


There's pandilleros on the the way home who chased me down. I'm in the supermarket.

Goddang. You ok?

I'm fine, I just want to get home.

I know a different way, I'll be there in 10.

I gave myself a pat on the back, good thinking Sam. You deserve a reward. Well, I have ten minutes.
I got back up and got myself a Hershey bar and two M&M packets. I paid and sat back down.

The girls report card came back yesterday. They both had 9's and 10's. They deserve a little treat too. Hopefully they like M&M's. After a while of sitting and eating, Rosa entered the store.

"You weren't kidding when you said there were pandilleros. They spray painted the neighbors house with a huge 18!"

I scrunched up my face. "Why 18?"

"I'll tell you some other time. Come on! We need to get home."

And so we walked instead of in front of the school, behind it, up two different roads, someone's garden and another steep road, but we were home. And that's all that matters.


"You can do it Rosa!" Yelled Maria

"Just kick it!" Added Martin

"If you don't make it, you ain't getting dinner tonight!" Exclaimed Tia Elena

Lucky for her she's getting dinner today. We had come out to see one of Rosa's soccer games to pass some time. Not surprisingly she was really good. She played as forward and despite her midfielders not being as good they were still winning 3-1.

Cathy seemed to be enjoying herself, which was good. I hadn't told anyone other than Rosa about the incident yesterday. Everyone was already stressed enough and I really love these people so much to the point where I'll take on my problems alone rather than burdening them.

"And Emilia Perez with number eleven takes the ball! She's marked by two players but instead of going through them she passes to Rosa Martinez!"

The cheers suddenly got louder.

"She runs through defenders easily and shoots! But it hits the net post!"

We all get up knowing exactly what shes about to do.

"What is this? Rosa jumps high in the air and attempts a chilena kick! And it goes in! The ref counts it and it's a goal! The home teams wins 4-1!"

Rosa's team lifted her up and the field changed her name. Dang, I have a famous family member.

She got off her teammate's arms and ran towards us with a smile on her face.

"Mija! Good job!" Exclaimed Abuela, but as Rosa went to hug her she backed away.

"No! You're all sweaty! Come on let's go home."

And that day they left as winners.


"Hey Sam, Catty, come here."

"What's up Rosa?" We asked.

"Two of the members of the team are moving to Cabañas and we need the replacements. My coach to told me to ask you two if you were interested in maybe playing with us?

While Cathy's face absolutely lit up, I was confused.

"But I'm 18?"

"So? The goalie is 21 and no one says anything!"

"I mean, then I guess it's fine. We'd love to be part of the team!"

"Yay! Come on let's go get your uniforms and cleats!"

That day Rosa's team left as winners, and maybe in a couple months we'll leave as champions.


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