"Where would he be?" Youngjae asked, his eyes scanning through the people that rushed by them.

Jaebum was looking as well, knowing that he could recognize even the tip of Jinyoung's finger if he could just find him. "I dunno, just look around."

"You said to the country right? Some of those buses over there are going to some country towns." Youngjae pointed.

Jaebum looked up at the destination signs, recognizing the town that Jinyoung was supposed to be headed for. "There, that one, B45. Which bus is it?"

"Um..." Youngjae looked amongst the dozens of busses, his sharp eyes catching on the one they were looking for immediately. "That one. It just arrived and they're cleaning it right now, so Jinyoung isn't on the bus yet."

"That means he still somewhere around the station, but where..." Jaebum trailed off as he and Youngjae continued their search, the two trying to find Jinyoung before his bus's boarding time.

Jaebum frantically looked around, trying to find anything that belonged to Jinyoung. He felt like he was running out of time, he just wanted to know if his angel was okay. More than once he felt his heart leap out of his chest when he saw someone wearing a similar hairstyle or outfit to Jinyoung's, but wasn't him.

He was growing tired of the false hope, and almost completely ignored someone who looked incredibly similar to the angel, only for him to take a second glance and recognize those perfect almond eyes that belonged to his one and only. Jaebum squinted, making sure it was him. In his burgundy sweater and perfectly styled hair, he'd found Jinyoung leaning on a wall near the bus he was supposed to be on in a few minutes.

Jaebum's legs immediately carried him towards his lover.

"Jinyoung!" Jaebum called out, a huge sense of relief filling his body. Jinyoung turned his head, eyes widening when they rested on Jaebum. Though he didn't look necessarily happy to see him, instead he rapidly shook his head, gesturing for Jaebum to stay away.

Jaebum was too happy to even pay attention to the signal, he just wanted to wrap his arms around Jinyoung who despite being gone for no more than 2-3 hours, he missed dearly. He was prevented from doing so though by Youngjae, who suddenly yanked him back behind a thick pole.

Jaebum was utterly confused, almost annoyed that Youngjae prevented him from scooping Jinyoung into his arms. "Youngjae what are you doing?"

"Do you see?" Youngjae asked while pointing in Jinyoung's direction. "He's surrounded by those two guys."

"What..." Jaebum actually took a moment to inspect Jinyoung's surroundings, seeing two tall suited men on either side of him. He stood sheepishly in between, clutching his bag tightly in his hands. No wonder Jinyoung didn't want him to approach, surely those two would stop Jaebum from even setting a hand on the angel. The two were already looking around for the source of his voice after he'd called Jinyoung's name, and if Youngjae hadn't tugged Jaebum into hiding, who knows how they would've responded? "Is he being held hostage or something?"

"Jaebum don't do anything rash. He clearly doesn't want you getting hurt." Youngjae warned.

Jaebum was itching to get to his lover; seeing him again after being apart ignited those strong feelings in him that had his whole body tingling. He wanted to march over their and scoop Jinyoung up to take him back nome, but both the angel and Youngjae advised him not to, which just tested his impatience.

"But what if they hurt him!?" He retorted, his fingers clutching the pole hard enough to warm the metal in his palm.

"Let me handle it, okay?" Youngjae held up his badge, resting a hand on Jaebum's shoulder. "You just try to relax yourself, we found him."

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